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How to schedule social media posts (EJ: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

in Applications by (552k points)
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Posting on social networks when you can or have time is not the most optimal way if you want as many people as possible to see your publications . Ideally, post at the times that most people are online, and according to Hootsuite , those hours are from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. , preferably on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday . It is likely that you are working at those hours, so you may want to schedule your posts the night of the day before..

Fortunately, there are several tools and apps for Android that will allow you to publish on Facebook , Twitter, Instagram and other social networks at another time, the next day or at the time you decide, that is, postpone a publication for the future .


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Hootsuite is compatible with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube , however, it allows you to connect up to three social networks for free and schedule up to 30 posts at the same time . If you want to increase these possibilities, you must subscribe to the paid service , which starts at $ 19 per month..


The good thing about this tool is that it works well and does not have excessive publicity like others. In addition, post to your social networks as if you had done it yourself manually, ie, the public will not appear rare links or other brand names, as has happened to me with tools like IFTTT or dlvr.it . For administrators only, the 'Posted by Hootsuite' notice will appear.

The process of scheduling posts in Hootsuite is relatively straightforward. You must open an account in the app and then touch the round profile button in the upper left to add your social networks. Finally return to the main screen and use the "Compose" tab at the bottom to write your post. When you click «Next» you will be given the option to publish it at that moment or later, at a day and time that you prefer. There is also an automatic option, where Hootsuite chooses the ideal time to publish your content ..


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The app I'm talking about in the images above is called Social Media Post , and yes, it has a lot of publicity and cannot be published on Facebook fanpages , which is perfectly possible with Hootsuite and Buffr.

A very similar utility to Hootsuite, compatible with LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest . You must also create an account, connect your social networks and start programming. Like Hootsuite, the free version of Buffr only allows you to hook up to three social networks (except Pinterest) and schedule up to 10 posts at a time . To improve this you can buy the monthly subscription for $ 15 per month.


Postponing a post with Buffr. Option «Custom schedule».

The difference between Buffr and Hootsuite is that the former is compatible with Pinterest (although you can only use it if you are a paying subscriber). However, the Buffr Android app seems to have bugs because scheduled posts never appear in the app, although they do get published. On the other hand, the good thing about Hootsuite is that it has automatic programming, which chooses the best time to publish .


As mentioned earlier, other applications or tools that offer the option of postponing publications on social networks are IFTTT and dlvr.it . The difference between these and Hootsuite and Buffer is that they are more extensive and one of their main features is to automate the publication on social networks , reading a source. For example, republish each article published on this blog on Facebook . IFTTT can be connected to practically any service on the internet and republished on another, for example, uploading Instagram photos to a Facebook album , adding YouTube videos to Spotify , etc.

Previously, I also recommended an application called "Schemes", which allows you to program statuses for Facebook, Twitter, SMS and even Gmail emails. However, on my Huawei with Android 9 its APK no longer works correctly.

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