+5 votes
How to get better at Fortnite

in PlayStation by (552k points)
reopened | 186 views

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Stop changing your shortcuts
Spend more time learning about the game than playing
Slow down
Practice building and aiming
Think twice before you land in popular spots
Don't forget building materials and care items
Pay attention to the surroundings
Take breaks
Never stop having fun

Playing  Fortnite  might seem straightforward at first glance, but it's one of the most mechanically intensive battle royale out there. While you can get by with good aim, just like in any shooter, it will take some familiarization with the unique mechanics of Fortnite ..

Building mechanics is the first of those mechanics that directly affects your playing experience, as it is an essential aspect of the game, especially if you are looking to climb the ladder in Fortnite . Over time, you will be able to build with good reflexes in mind and stand up in combat at the same time.

But if you're just getting started, you might find yourself on the menu more often than you expect. The first step to improving on Fortnite  is to never get discouraged and focus on the fun parts of the game to stay motivated..

Here's everything you can do to get better at Fortnite .

Stop changing your shortcuts

Constantly changing your shortcuts is a rookie mistake that often goes unnoticed by players who are just trying to find the right combo. The truth is, there are no perfect shortcuts; all of these options depend on individual tastes and even using the World Champion setup may not be right for you..

Although it is okay to use another player's setup, it will be necessary to choose it definitively to allow their muscle memory to develop. Changing the shortcuts too often causes you to rebuild that memory from scratch, which decreases your performance.

Spend more time learning about the game than playing

You will get technically better if you keep playing Fortnite . But spending all your free time playing can have side effects: you will have reduced "tunnel vision" because you won't analyze your gameplay or watch players who are better than you.

Your improvement rate can dramatically increase if you start analyzing your replays or watching player live streams or YouTube videos. You won't be looking at them for fun, though, as you'll have to keep an eye out for things you can't see in part.

Take a break from video in moments that call for decision-making. Imagine the plays you can do on this point to compare that to your previous performances to see how it goes. It's a great exercise in thinking about Fortnite strategy  .

You will be able to better analyze these moments of gameplay, because you will not be against a timer. This workout will just help you get better by watching professional and high-ranking players to learn the ins and outs of  Fortnite

Slow down

Even if you start copying pro players directly, your results may vary. Don't stress yourself out hoping for immediate results just by watching tournament replays one day. Getting better takes time, especially in a complex game like Fortnite .

See each part as an opportunity to try something new. Once you become familiar with your rate of improvement as a player, you will start to feel more comfortable in the game.

Practice building and aiming

Image via Epic Games

Playing a Fortnite match  can count as training, but it's actually the slowest form of improving your skills. If you are trying to work your build, it will take some time to collect materials in a normal game.

It is possible to take advantage of all the Creative maps, which are available for free. Custom maps give players all the tools they need to work on their skills. There are cards to improve its build and aim. Some of these maps even include a built-in matchmaking system, allowing you to train against other players trying to improve in  Fortnite .

Most competitive players spend hours on Creative maps before joining a ranked match. This helps to warm up before entering real competition, in addition to helping them build and improve their muscle memory.

Once you understand the basics of building, you can focus on more advanced tips and mechanics like taking walls in building battles. If you are just starting out, you can search for a construction focused video series for beginners on YouTube. This can kickstart your improvement process, while also saving you time by understanding mechanics faster.

Think twice before you land in popular spots

Landing in the most populated places of Fortnite is called "hot dropping"; the center of the map is a good example.

While rushing to the chests to find the first shotgun is a good idea, it is less so if you get passed by someone else ... which is bound to happen, according to Murphy's Law! Technically, hot dropping drastically reduces your playing time.

The less time you spend in game, the less you will be able to use your skills. Landing in less crowded areas allows you to loot before the real fights at the end of the game. Even in moderately popular arenas, you will find competition that could cut your early game short.

Don't forget building materials and care items

Looting does not only include weapons: like ammunition, materials will become less numerous at the end of the game. You will have to collect as much as possible when you can, so as not to run out in difficult times.

Breaking chests and ammo boxes instead of interacting with them can be a good way to get materials. Try to hit the objects around you with your collecting tool as often as possible, especially in the early stages. Quite often, you'll want to hold back that killing blow that destroys a wall or tree, as it might attract attention by disappearing from the map.

Like building materials, healing items are also very important in your inventory. You should always dedicate at least one slot to shields or healing items, as you never know what can happen while moving around the map. If you get hit by a sniper, you will be able to heal yourself to return to combat.

Pay attention to the surroundings

Image via Epic Games

The parts of Fortnite  can get very chaotic, making it harder to focus on the surroundings. You should always try to collect as much information as possible. If you hear footsteps in the street, you will have to decide whether to flee or fight.

This also applies to observation around you: you may notice building pieces disappear to spot enemies. Particularly in single player games, knowing how many enemies are in an area is essential for engaging in combat.

Take breaks

Even if your sole goal is to improve yourself at Fortnite , you will always have to slow down. If you push your limits, you won't get better. Taking short breaks will allow you to reflect on your gaming session, relax your eyes, and come back to the game with a fresh mind.

Pauses don't necessarily mean you have to stop whatever you're doing on Fortnite - it's always possible to cook a meal, analyze a replay, or watch a high-level streamer live. The game will seem much more enjoyable with this routine.

Never stop having fun

The most important rule to improve in Fortnite  is to have fun. If improving seems like a chore, then you might as well stop. Reluctantly forcing yourself to become better will only have the opposite effect.

by (3.5m points)

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