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Use the cell phone screen as a flashlight if the flash or LED has been damaged

in Applications by (552k points)
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In case your cell phone flash or LED light has been damaged or your phone does not have such a light, you can use the screen as a replacement. For example, the original Motorola Moto E is a great Android phone for the price it is worth, but it has a problem: it doesn't have a flash. That means little help for taking photos at night and it also means that it can't be used as a conventional flashlight , something that can easily be achieved on other Android phones that do have LED flash next to the camera, simply by installing a flashlight app..

The Moto E, Nexus 7, and many other Android phones have the problem that they don't have a flash, but that doesn't necessarily mean they can't be used as a flashlight. In these devices you can use the screen as a flashlight, and to get as much light as possible from it it is better to install an application.


The free FlashLight Screen application on Google Play is the best alternative in this regard. Illuminate the entire screen in white and at maximum brightness to get the maximum amount of light from it. The app does this no matter what brightness settings the phone has at the time. When turned off, the screen brightness will return to its previous state..


A very remarkable thing about Flashlight Screen is that it does not require any special permission to work, that is, it is safe to install it, something that cannot be said of other flashlight applications that require too many permissions .

The other option is to install the Tiny Flashlight application from the Play Store , which also has an option to use the screen as a flashlight by illuminating it in white at maximum brightness. It is also used to use the flash as a flashlight on phones that do have a flash. This application is also safe to install as it only requires permission to access the camera (which provides access to the flash) to be installed. It also offers a practical widget to put on the home screen..

For Android phones that do have a flash, there is a simple way to activate the flashlight using the power button .

is a great alternative available for free on Google Play. Allows you to turn the flashlight on or off with two clicks of the power button. The paid version eliminates the restriction of the free version that allows you to have the flashlight on for one minute, as well as adjust the time interval between clicks .

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