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SD Maid, the most professional cleaning app for Android

in Applications by (552k points)
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SD Maid with ROOT
Freeze apps
Disable permissions

Despite having evolved a lot, Android is still a system that needs to be maintained from time to time. It is necessary to eliminate the garbage that accumulates with time and use. You have to delete folders or files that remain from uninstalled applications, delete internal files of the apps that only take up space and eliminate duplicate files. There are many cleaning apps on the Play Store that can do this, however, one of the most reputable, advanced and professional ones that exist is SD Maid, available for free on the Play Store ..

SD Maid is a veteran application for Android that can clean your Android cell phone efficiently and safely. It has practically all the options and tools to erase all the unnecessary files on your device that take up space. And unlike other apps with a dubious reputation or with a negative track record, such as Clean Master or CCleaner , this app and its developer "darken" have not spoken.

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As you can see, SD Maid has several tools, but among the most useful is the «Corpse Finder», which allows you to eliminate empty Android folders, folders or directories of applications that have already been uninstalled and are no longer useful..


Android can fill up with empty folders, which apps leave even after being uninstalled.

The App (SD Maid Pro) and System Cleaner can help you free up storage if you are running out of space by clearing the app and system cache , a safe thing to do (like most SD Maid defaults) And that you can without installing apps, but it is good to have this app as one more tool. This together with the option to clean databases, form the most technical cleaning pack for Android..


Applications on Android can be very heavy or large and in part this is due to the junk files that they save and that can be cleaned with the SD Maid application cleaner.

With SD Maid (the paid version or PRO) you can also find and delete duplicate files on your cell phone, even if they have a different name in the storage, since the app is based on the file size and the "comparison sum".


SD Maid can find duplicate files on your phone, even if they have different names.

Talking about all the tools, options and settings that SD Maid offers would never end, but in summary, those mentioned are among the most important. In a complementary and very useful way, you have a file explorer to search and delete files on the cell phone manually.


SD Maid's storage viewer lets you see what's taking up the most storage space at a glance.

SD Maid with ROOT

Freeze apps


SD Maid's "Freeze App" option only appears when the device has root permissions and you have given the app that permission.

The «Application control» is a section similar to the Android application manager, with advanced options. For example, with root permissions you can freeze or deactivate any application , be it user or system.

A frozen application is as if it did not exist on the cell phone, but you keep its data and settings in the storage in case you want or need to use it later as it was.

The objective of freezing an application is to block its activity in the background and thus avoid draining the battery or  slowing down the phone .

Although you can freeze some system applications WITHOUT root permissions , this is not possible for system apps set as "untouchable" by the manufacturer or apps installed by yourself.

Disable permissions


With SD Maid and a rooted cell phone you can deactivate permissions to any cell phone application.

Another thing that can be done with SD Maid and a rooted cell phone is to disable permissions in the applications. For example, if you have an application that asks for permissions that it does not need  (ex: a flashlight application with permission to view your files) it is a dangerous app that you should uninstall. However, if you need that app, you can deactivate the permissions that it should not have (in the case of the flashlight, remove the permission to access the storage). Although this can be done WITHOUT root from Android 6, it does not work with all applications or with system apps.

There are other complementary features of SD Maid for rooted phones, such as restarting an application , although this can be done without the need for root from the Android application manager itself, "Clear data" option.

Download SD Maid Free : Play Store , Unlocker PRO : Play Store

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