+5 votes
6 barometric pressure monitoring apps for Android

in Android by (552k points)
reopened | 332 views

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Barometer reborn
Barometer & Altimeter
mu Barometer
eWeather HD

Not every mobile device user knows that most Android devices have such an interesting thing as a barometer. Why is it needed on the phone? Is it really just to measure atmospheric pressure? In fact, this sensor is part of the GPS system and allows you to determine geolocation with maximum accuracy..

But, of course, nothing prevents us from using the barometer for its intended purpose. All that is required for this is to install a special program from the Google Play store. Below are some of these applications.



Appendix SyPressure deserves to take first place in our list. The program has all the necessary functions and a user-friendly interface. It has its own widget that shows not only the current pressure, but also the weather forecast . Optionally, you can set up automatic display of notifications on the display of your smartphone. Alerts of upcoming natural surprises will be displayed as an icon in the notification bar. Unfortunately, the latest version of SyPressure has an annoying bug: in the settings, sound warnings started to turn on by themselves, and the phone can sometimes ring at the most inopportune time..

At the top of the program window, the atmospheric pressure at the current time is displayed. You can choose one of the possible ways of displaying information: a scale, chart or graph. Units of measurement can also be customized as desired: hPa (hectopascal), inHg (inch of mercury), mmHg (millimeter of mercury), psi (pounds per square inch), atm (physical atmosphere). At the bottom of the window, you can see the pressure fluctuations (rise / fall) and the expected weather changes. The notification settings panel is also located here.



The paid vBarometer program is another useful tool for measuring barometric pressure and has more options than SyPressure. Several options for displaying information are supported: indicator, graph, altimeter and list. In addition, the widgets displayed on the screen are varied in size: 1 × 1, 2 × 1, 2 × 2..

In the application, any of the functions can be configured extremely accurately. For example, in order to get more reliable weather reports, you should specify the baseline measurements for your location, and for an altimeter (altimeter) - the height above sea level. The pressure change graph can be used to set the desired display period (from 6 to 48 hours).

Here you can also choose the color of the main interface and indicators, change the transparency of the widgets. Like SyPressure, this tool works with a variety of units. In general, quite pleasant impressions are left from using the program. She, without a doubt, justifies its cost of 40 rubles.

Barometer reborn


Barometer Reborn is a simple barometer that allows you to track the amplitude of changes in atmospheric pressure in order to determine the effect of these factors on your well-being. This can be useful for those of us who experience headaches and other discomfort when the weather conditions change.

Knowing in advance about the upcoming natural metamorphoses, you can try to reduce their unpleasant effect to a minimum. For example, if the device shows an increase in atmospheric pressure, then on such days it is worth giving up increased physical activity. First of all, it is important for people suffering from respiratory diseases (such as asthma) or hypertension. On the contrary, a decrease in pressure should be a reason to spend more time outdoors.

Barometer & Altimeter


Barometer & Altimeter  - the program uses a built-in GPS sensor (if there is none, it receives information from the Internet). You will be able to track atmospheric pressure, air temperature, wind speed, visibility, altitude. This information will certainly provide invaluable assistance to fans of extreme sports, tourists and travelers.

Agree that this is quite an interesting application and definitely deserves attention. Imagine how great it would be to set up a barometer and climb onto the roof of a skyscraper to easily determine the altitude and atmospheric pressure.

The program is not demanding on the phone's memory resources and is very gentle on the battery power. The interface is as convenient as possible, the settings are not complicated. Young researchers of natural phenomena, using this tool, will be able to conduct the first scientific experiments, satisfy their curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

mu Barometer


mu Barometer is a free and very simple tool that records changes in barometric pressure readings. The application has an elegant design and a user-friendly interface, it uses such measuring units as mBar, mmHg, inHg, atm.

You can choose one of the three suggested themes for the widget displayed on the main screen of the phone. The program also allows you to measure the height (in meters or feet) - enable this function in the advanced settings.

eWeather HD


EWeather HD app is a complete weather station for your Android. Here you will find detailed information on natural phenomena for the next 10 days. The first thing that attracts attention is the amazingly beautiful images of the sun and clouds. Looking at them, you forget what purpose you pursued by opening this program. But in addition to colorful drawings, there are a huge number of other functions, and the forecasts are extremely accurate.

The main screen of the weather display contains a lot of useful information: humidity, pressure, temperature (real and perceived), sunrise and sunset times, moon phases, temperature change diagrams, precipitation probability, geomagnetism ... By the way, the last parameter should be paid attention to meteorological people. If geomagnetic storms bother you, before starting important business, do not forget to read the forecast.

Equally, this information will be useful to everyone who painfully reacts to the approach of a thunderstorm, precipitation and other natural phenomena. You will be able to observe changes in atmospheric pressure over the past 24 hours on a chart or graph, where, in case of unfavorable indicators, the indicator turns red.

It is impossible to list all the functions of this wonderful application, the interface of which looks really cool in terms of graphic design.

According to medical statistics, more than half of the inhabitants of our planet react in one way or another to changing weather conditions. For some, these changes are almost imperceptible, while others, on the contrary, can hardly tolerate surges in atmospheric pressure, bursts of solar activity and magnetic storms. In addition, the vagaries of the weather often cause a deterioration in well-being in people with chronic diseases of the joints and cardiovascular system, suffering from hypertension or arterial hypotension.

Knowing in advance about the upcoming changes, you can try to minimize their negative impact on health. To always have the necessary information at hand, you just need to install one of the applications described above on your smartphone.

by (3.5m points)
+3 votes

The top recommendation here, SyPressure, has not been updated since 2012. This app is no longer functional on current operating systems.


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