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Meaning of gestures from Tik Tok

in Lifehacks and secrets of TikTok by (552k points)
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Popular gestures in Tik Tok and their meaning
What does the Tik Tok gesture mean when you squint your eyes
How to use gestures in Tik Tok

Social media users often come up with trends that go viral on the platform. Many of them are Tik Tok gesture videos..

For example, it can be a video with a mini-production, at the end of which the author uses a specific gesture and thereby symbolizes something - a phrase, a joke, a reaction.

If you often noticed these gestures among Tiktokers and did not understand what they mean, read the article further. In it we will analyze the meanings of popular actions in TikTok..

Popular gestures in Tik Tok and their meaning

Over the past few months, two gestures that TIk Tokers use in video or in real life have been considered in the TIk Tok trend. The first is to slide your finger under your nose and show the heart with your fingers. If you wondered what this means, we will explain.

  • running your finger under your nose means that you are removing blood. If you are a fan of anime culture, you might often see in comedy series the moment when a man sees a beautiful girl and his nose starts bleeding. This means that the person is agitated and delighted so much that the blood boils,
  • showing a heart with your fingers - such a gesture came to us from Korean culture. Korean boys and girls show this heart to show sympathy.


If we add these two actions, we get the following plot: you meet a person you like, your nose starts bleeding, you remove it and show your heart to the person. This is how you declare your admiration for the person..

The second no less popular gesture in TikTok is to stand up to full height and put two fingers to the bend of the elbow, this is called sheesh. This action is more difficult - Shish is often interpreted differently from Tiktokers.

Many people think that sheesh's action came from a famous basketball player. During the game, he pointed to his faith and said “Ice in my veins”. Literally it means "Ice in my veins", that is, composure. You might think that Tiktokers are declaring their steadfast and calm nature in this way through sheesh.


In fact, users use the Shish gesture to challenge. For example, if you saw a video where a person wants to do something, but friends laugh at him, and then he shows such a Sheesh gesture, it means a challenge. It can also be a challenge to the Tik Tok challenge.

What does the Tik Tok gesture mean when you squint your eyes

This action has become a trend of the past months in TikTok. The facial expression comes from the famous "Bad Boy" Emoticon Fuckboy Face. Users simply copied the actions and created a Tik Tok trend.


In these videos, the author tries to show that he reacts to something like a typical bad guy from American films - flirts, flirts and makes a Fuckboy Face.

How to use gestures in Tik Tok

If you are confident that you understand the meaning of a particular gesture, you can use it in your videos. This way you can quickly promote your content and get into recommendations, because these actions are still popular in TikTok.

Here are some ideas for videos in which to use gestures:

  1. A video where you talk about your problem. You can describe your fear, explain how difficult it is to overcome the problem. Then come up with another circumstance that is much more problematic than the first.
    For example, you write that you want to lose weight, lose weight, sit on a diet for several years and lose the hated pounds. At this point, you show your face up close.
    Then you write something like "Digestive problems, slow metabolism and +10 kilograms in a couple of months" and show yourself from afar as you put your fingers on the bend of your elbow.
  2. A video in which you talk about how you don't like something. After that, start talking about what you really like - it is better if it is something strange and unusual. During the story, you can show a gesture from TikTok with fingers and a heart.
  3. The format of videos is also popular, where you paint on the characters of films, cartoons or TV series in Photoshop the face of a Fuckboy "bad guy" with a bitten lip and narrowed eyes. If you know how to do it, use it in the video.

You will see more ideas at Tik Tok. There you can get inspired and create your own video. The main thing is not to steal other people's ideas, so read in our blog, 15 ideas for Tik Tok when there is nothing to shoot.

by (3.5m points)

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