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How to turn on Tik Tok in Crimea ➤ step by step solution

in Lifehacks and secrets of TikTok by (552k points)
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Why Tik Tok does not work in Crimea
Tik Tok does not work in Crimea: what to do
VPN for Tik Tok in Crimea
Analogs of Tik Tok for Crimea

Despite the popularity of Tik Tok, in many countries, users often complain about the problem of connecting to Tik Tok. This happens in the Crimea..

But the reason for the loss of connection is still not completely clear, so in the article we will analyze what can interfere with the work of the social network.

Why Tik Tok does not work in Crimea

Users have no official information - neither the developers nor the Russian government give any comments about the problem..

Meanwhile, Crimean residents continue to face loss of connection. While working with the platform, users display a sign: "No connection", but the Internet is working stably at this time.

Here are the common opinions on this matter:

  • users think that Tik Tok's technical support is deliberately disconnecting the application in Crimea due to sanctions;
  • some suggest that the problem is in the same blocking, but for a different reason - Russians are worried that users' personal information will get to scammers. Therefore, they try to hide information, and this is possible with partial or complete blocking of the application.

However, such restrictions do not mean that you will not be able to use the platform. For some period, Telegram was blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation, but users still connected to the messenger and used it. And if you want to keep using Tik Tok, you can try the same methods..

You will be wondering: in which countries Tik Tok is banned.

Tik Tok does not work in Crimea: what to do

Although this query is quite popular in search engines, information about the reasons is still not enough, as well as ways to solve it. Therefore, now we will share life hacks that you can try:

  1. VPN connection for TikTok. Download the app and extensions that create a VPN connection. It is better to look for extensions - they are more convenient and do not take up a lot of memory.
    But for this you have to use a laptop or PC and sit through the Tik Tok version for Windows. The functionality of the web version is different from the application, but you can still watch videos and add your own clips.
  2. Light version of Tik Tok. The application has a variation of Tik Tok Lite, which is a utility that is lightweight in weight and functionality.
    You can download Lite through the AppStore or Google Play. When working with the application, there is no hang-up or loss of connection.
  3. Airplane mode. Sometimes a notification appears that there is no Internet connection at Tik Tok. Before connecting to the app, activate airplane mode to knock down your internet connection.
    When you disconnect it, the connection will be restored and you can sit in Tik Tok again. Residents of Crimea say that this method always helps, but it has to be used too often.


VPN for Tik Tok in Crimea

If you have not worked with programs that connect via VPN to the utility before, we have collected the most popular ones below:

  • NordVPN. Suitable for Androids. After downloading the utility, each step is explained by the program, and the menu bar is intuitive.
  • CyberGhost. If you have never worked with VPN, use this application. It will find the right connection by itself so that you go to the social network.
  • ExpressVPN - This utility is suitable for iPhone owners. After downloading, you can easily figure out the interface.
  • IPVanish is also a utility for iPhones. There are no complaints about the application in terms of the interface. If you have any questions or problems, you can write to technical support in the utility.

Analogs of Tik Tok for Crimea

The most famous analogue of TikTok is Likee. However, this service has long lost its popularity - it is used by children who are not yet able to register with Tik Tok. Therefore, there is little deep and intellectual content - mainly dances, outdated trends or children's jokes.

Also, no one guarantees that this application will not lag with you. If content utilities are blocked due to the dissemination of personal data, Likee, as well as Instagram, VKontakte or Facebook, are also under attack.

by (3.5m points)

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