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What to do if you forgot your Tik Tok password

in Tik Tok instructions by (552k points)
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What to do if you forgot your Tik Tok password
How to change password in Tik Tok
How to create a password for Tik Tok
Tik Tok password generators

Users of the Internet and social networks often have the thought: “Oh, I forgot the necessary combination to enter your account, what should I do?”. Today this is not surprising at all. In our world, there is a huge number of social networks, each of them provides for the use of a username and password.

It is a pity that the use of the same combination of symbols is not always allowed. Here, relatively recently, the TikTok application appeared and became popular, where you also need to create a non-repeating name, plus select a secret word.


Fortunately, using this app is very easy. Let's analyze one of the common problems faced by TikTokers - how to log into a Tik Tok account if you have forgotten your password?

What to do if you forgot your Tik Tok password

What is Tik Tok is a social network where the most active and open readers of the Internet gather, where users can show themselves by recording videos, conduct live broadcasts, chat with friends, view, and also subscribe to popular authors.

To recover the secret word, as well as change the Tik Tok password, follow these steps:

  • Having opened the application, at the bottom of the screen there is a line where the question that interests us is asked “Already have an account? To come in".
  • Click on this line, the application will give you the opportunity to choose the appropriate login option.
  • By selecting, for example, the line “continue with Google”, you will be able to use your Google account to sign in.
  • After entering your e-mail and pressing the "Next" button, the application will offer you a window for entering a password.
  • Press the “Forgot password” button at the bottom of the screen. And then select “Another way”. Tik Tok will offer you to restore your personal account using your phone number.
  • Enter the Tik Tok phone number that was specified during registration in the window.
  • This number will receive an SMS with a six-digit code, which must be entered into the displayed line and press the "Next" button.

Create a reliable combination of characters in order to change the code.

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How to change password in Tik Tok

After reading the following sequence of actions, you can change the password for Tik Tok.

  • Open the Tik Tok app. Click on the "Me" icon. It displays the login, subscriptions, subscribers, the number of user likes.
  • In the upper right corner, click the three dots icon. This is how you get to the account settings, where there are such sections: “Account”, “Content and actions”, “Cache and mobile data”, “Support”, “Information”.
  • In the "Account" section, click on the "Account Management" line. By selecting the "Password" item, you will proceed to change it.
  • After clicking, confirm your email. When registering in the app, you have already entered your email address. A six-digit code will be sent there.
  • The confirmation code from the letter must be entered into the highlighted window.

Change the code by coming up with a memorable combination of symbols. To complete the work, click "Next". The protection will be automatically saved and updated.

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How to create a password for Tik Tok

What password can you come up with for Tik Tok? According to the rules of the social network, you need to use from 8 to 20 characters. Either letters with numbers, or letters with special characters, or numbers with special characters must be included.

If you have difficulties with the choice, there are special helpers-sites where you can form and see what combinations of protection for Tik Tok the program will offer. Before changing the protection, you will need to reset the old social network security code.

Tik Tok password generators

Services to create a password for Tik Tok are programs that help to form a set of characters more individually. To deliver a new and reliable one, we  suggest using the services:

  • passwordsgenerator, there by selecting the desired language, and then the indicators, a suitable option will be generated;
  • onlinepasswordgenerator, filling out the form and clicking the "Create password" button, the program itself selects various combinations. Next, you can choose which cipher is better to put in your account.


Tip: Create a safe place to store your secret words, don't share them with anyone.

The age of technology is only going forward and having touched any application or site, registration is often required with the input of your name and security symbols.

Tik Tok password is the protection of your personal information from fraudsters. Take care of your security, come up with strong passwords and take the time to change them.

by (3.5m points)
tiktok password requirements is: between 8 and 20 characters with letters, numbers, and special symbols.

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