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What to do if Tik Tok freezes

in Tik Tok instructions by (552k points)
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Why TikTok freezes
What to do if TikTok slows down
TikTok freeze solutions
How to prevent freezes in TikTok

Social networks are not protected from system failures, so from time to time users are faced with freezes, problems with downloading videos or accessing their page..

When TikTok slows down, there is a problem of slow loading of clips for viewing, and it can be difficult to solve it. The article provides options for actions that will help you in such a situation.


Why TikTok freezes

Before making a decision, it is important to understand why social media lags occur..

Possible options for braking and freezing the application:

  1. Technical checks on the platform, which makes it difficult to ensure the full operation of the system. This is especially acute in the evening, when the number of users reaches its peak.
  2. Outdated version of Tik Tok. When an update comes out, it is important to install it because older versions start to perform worse. This explains the constant crashes.
  3. Server overload. On weekends and evenings, users visit TikTok more often, so the servers may not be able to cope.
    In TikTok, this is rarely seen, because the network is initially configured for a large number of connections, but such a problem may arise.
  4. Overloading the cache in the application. It is important to clear the cache in Tik Tok so that old settings and search histories do not interfere with your productive work. If you forget to do this, the application will freeze and the videos will load worse.

These are common reasons why TikTok lags. If you work on them, the big odds problem goes away.

What to do if TikTok slows down

It is important here to consider each reason separately so that the solution helps..

If you notice crashes occurring in the evening or on weekends, the cause is overload. Try to wait a period of time for the system to cope with the influx of users on its own, and work will go in the right direction.

When that doesn't work, check Tik Tok for updates. To do this, go to the AppStore or GooglePlay and see if a new version of the platform has been released. If so, download it and try to sign in again.


It's also important to remember if you've cleared the app cache. TikTok is often buggy because of this. If you haven't, go to your account, and then open the settings. To do this, tap on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen.


Then open the item "Free up space." It will show how much information is stored in the cache by volume. Clean it up if the numbers seem large. Next, restart Tik Tok and reopen it.


Sometimes the problem is with the smartphone and not with the app. If the phone is overheated or dead, the utilities will be affected. Reboot the device or connect the charger. After a short break, resume your work on TikTok.

TikTok freeze solutions

There are many people among users who are well aware of the functionality and operating principles of applications like TikTok. Such users also offered a kind of solution. Follow the instructions to stop lags in the utility:

  1. Go to the platform and log in to your account.
  2. Tap the plus sign in the bottom panel. Then go to the music section to select a track. Click on the first one that comes across - it's not important.
  3. Then start recording the video. You can shoot whatever you want: the wall, the cat, your legs.
  4. After recording a clip, click on the cross to delete the content. Exit the section and do not save this video.
  5. Open the TikTok recommendation feed and check for lags.

The method acts as a shake-up for the system, so after Tik Tok it works better, and the videos start loading at normal speed.

How to prevent freezes in TikTok

If you follow the tips, you are less likely to experience application lags. To prevent TikTok from slowing down:

  • do not overload the phone, as the temperature of the device rises, due to which the system as a whole freezes;
  • monitor the status of the cache and updates;
  • pay attention to the memory on the phone, as this also affects the work in social networks;
  • use fast Internet to work with TikTok.

These guidelines will help you experience the hang problem less often, but they do not guarantee that it will not occur.

If none of the solutions helps you, it is better to contact TikTok support or the service center when the phone itself causes the lags.

by (3.5m points)

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