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How to get out of the shadow ban in Tik Tok

in Promotion in Tik Tok by (552k points)
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Types of ban in Tik Tok
How to recognize a shadow ban in TikTok
Reasons for the shadow ban in TikTok
How much is banned in Tik Tok
How to get out of the shadow ban in Tik Tok

Shadow ban on TikTok is as common as it is on other social networks. It represents a limitation in the reach of a user's content. Often, other tiktokers cannot see the videos of the authors who are banned by the moderation of the social network..

The process is unpleasant for large bloggers because it significantly reduces the number of views and the chance of getting into recommendations.

If on Instagram a user can warn his audience through stories, on TikTok this is impossible, so it is difficult to leave the ban..

Types of ban in Tik Tok

In addition to the shadow ban, TikTok has developed partial and complete blocking of users. Partial includes restricting access to Tiktoker content, and full prevents a person from using the platform from his account for a period of time or forever. Read on our blog what to do if TikTok is blocked.

TikTok moderation can also be banned in different ways. Sometimes actions such as commenting are not available to the user, in other cases, other people do not see its content. A shadow ban sometimes includes all of the above restrictions..

How to recognize a shadow ban in TikTok

You can understand that you are in a shadow ban. For this, analytics of the profile and the latest videos are carried out. Based on the information received, the user already draws conclusions.

  1. Views dropped. The dramatic drop in views on TikTok does not happen without reason. If this is not a system failure or blocking, then you are in a shadow bath. This is easier for large bloggers to recognize, as their activity gap is high.
  2. Users don't subscribe or the audience is shrinking. If there are no subscriptions, your account may not be visible to other Tiktokers due to being banned. A drop in subscribers also says that restrictions have been imposed on you. Followers do not see new posts and think that you have stopped maintaining an account, so they unsubscribe.
  3. Comments disappear without deletion. Write another user a comment to make sure you got banned. The signature will disappear by itself after a period without your intervention.

Study your statistics carefully in the settings to see changes in activity on the page. Abrupt changes mean a shadow ban in TikTok.

Reasons for the shadow ban in TikTok

The restriction in account maintenance indicates that the user has violated the TikTok rules. If the TikToker error was not serious, a ban occurs. In other cases, moderators prefer to block the profile.

The system does not allow the distribution of low-quality videos, therefore it often bans users with such content.

If you encounter a problem, investigate the reasons before writing to the moderators:

  1. Similarity of hashtags. Marks that are similar to each other are considered spam if they are placed in three or four clips in a row. Videos with such banyat content.
  2. Massliking and mass following is a useful tool for recruiting an audience, but TikTok takes it badly. The system keeps track of the number of subscriptions and likes over a period of time, and if it looks suspicious, the accounts are sent to the shadow ban. Cheating is prohibited on social networks, so the fight against it is active.
  3. Abundance of complaints. Not all users are satisfied with the content, so sometimes complaints come regularly. TikTok understands this as a possible violation, and therefore reacts with restrictions. Often other TikTokers send complaints out of anger or envy, so in such cases, write to the Tik Tok support service and add screenshots.
  4. Crossing application limits. If you use a cheat, then you are forced to like or subscribe to other participants in the process. Do this gradually so that the system does not recognize your actions and does not ban you.
  5. A lot of spam. This is a direct violation of the Tik Tok community rules, but not as serious, so the user can get a shadow ban on TikTok.
  6. Bulk content removal. The network management may consider this to be an attempt to hide unwanted videos, so they will try to punish you immediately with a restriction.
  7. Mass creation of hashtags. If you are posting a video, add three to four tags, otherwise it looks suspicious.


Analyze the actions in the last days and determine what you might have violated. Finding out the cause will help solve the problem faster.

How much is banned in Tik Tok

The ban period depends on the violation committed by the user. On average, the punishment lasts 14 days, but restrictions can be pursued for months. It is influenced by the severity of the violation, as well as the number of mistakes made.

If it is not the first time that a TikToker ignores the rules of the network, it will take longer in the shadow bath. The likelihood of blocking will also increase.

Useful life hack: how to hide comments on TikTok.

How to get out of the shadow ban in Tik Tok

It is difficult to understand that you are in the shadow, but experienced users are able to determine this. They can remove restrictions, but actions do not give a 100% guarantee that the process will be successful.

  1. Reduce your activity on the site. To do this, it is better not to like, subscribe or visit other people's accounts. Check out the recommendations on Tik Tok if you want to keep sitting in the app. But the right decision would be to leave it for a couple of days.
  2. If the page in TikTok is new, delete it and create another one. Upload content there, but do it gradually so as not to arouse suspicion. You can check if the method worked if you leave comments on another user's video.
  3. Watch your views grow. Positive activity indicates that the application has begun to relax.
  4. Removing recent videos that have low activity and feedback can help. The main thing is not to duplicate videos or add new ones. This can increase the sanctions against you.
  5. Cancel ads and do not use promotion services so that there are no sharp jumps in the number of subscribers.


A shadow ban is the initial stage of blocking, so do not try to trick moderators or act in spite of the community. Such decisions will focus attention on the account and force the system to strengthen the measures. The result includes a complete blocking of the page.

by (3.5m points)

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