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Blocking in Tik Tok: why the account was banned

in Tik Tok instructions by (552k points)
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Types of locks in Tik Tok
Why profiles on Tik Tok are deleted and banned
How to recover a deleted TikTok account
Blocking in TikTok forever
Unblocking from another account in Tik Tok
How to avoid blocking in TikTok

Often on the platform, users find themselves in a block due to violations of the rules of the TikTok community. Getting out of it is not easy, because the procedure does not depend on you, but on the moderators and the social network system..


This article discusses the question of how to restore an account if TikTok has deleted it.

Types of locks in Tik Tok

You can get banned or blocked by accident or by minor oversight. Then it is important to make a decision quickly so that the administration can immediately reconsider the verdict..

In the application, they came up with three ways to sanction violators:

  1. Tik Tok shadow ban. The user's content is not seen by other tiktokers, the opportunity to comment and promote their videos in the recommendation is lost.
  2. Block by users. If more than three people have complained about your materials, the system will take action and send it to the ban or block. It depends on the degree of error.
  3. Administrative blocking. Tik Tok moderators can detect violations before publishing your video. Subsequently, the video is removed, and the author is blocked or warned through a restriction of actions for a couple of hours.


Why profiles on Tik Tok are deleted and banned

It is important to find out the reason for the administration's sanctions in order to confirm the error with screenshots and a cover letter to Tik Tok technical support. This requires examining the types of violations that the user frequently commits.

Errors of Tik Tok users:

  • Content posted to your account encourages other people to act violent or harmful;
  • video clips contain erotic scenes or subtext;
  • children under 13 years old without adults or parents are captured on the rollers;
  • spam in messages, comments and videos;
  • bullying and harassment in content;
  • the topics of terrorism and crime are raised;
  • campaigning for the use of drugs, cigarettes and alcohol,
  • direct violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation or other countries,
  • cheat subscribers, likes and views. The system monitors and detects such actions, so you need to be careful in this matter,
  • different ways to log in. If you log into TikTok from your phone, your friend's iPad and your grandmother's PC, this is perceived as hacking attempts.


This is part of the 2021 Tik Tok rule violations that the system and moderators look for among the user's posts, but pay more attention to them..

If you did not download such videos, you could leave a comment or message with such content. Analyze your actions and publications to understand the reason for the administration's sanctions.

How to recover a deleted TikTok account

You won't be able to restore your account without contacting technical support. To send a letter to the service, you do not need to go to your profile.

  1. Open the app. The login menu will appear in front of you. Click on the question mark in the upper right corner.
  2. A list with possible problems will open. Select "Account Blocked". The system will notify the community about the policy.
  3. At the bottom there is a message “Has the problem been resolved?”. Tap on the icon with the word "No".
  4. You will be transferred to the section for filling out the feedback form. Enter your nickname, write a letter and attach confirmation. The latter is important because such complaints will be dealt with faster. The chance of success of the operation will increase.
  5. Indicate in the letter the ways of contacting you so that the answer from the moderators will reach you. Send email and wait.

User experience shows that TikTok treats violators with severity, so the letter can be ignored.

Be patient, because the answer takes a long time - the wait takes from a week to a month. Create a backup second account for now in order to redirect part of the audience to it and follow the trends and trends of TikTok.

Blocking in TikTok forever

Moderators often block users for serious offenses not temporarily, but permanently. In such a situation, it is difficult to return access to the page, even if you had an audience of over a million.

You can try to write to support, but there will be little apology to deal with. You need concrete proof that you did not break the rules. Otherwise, the letter will be ignored, and the profile will be left in the eternal bath.

If the administration does not receive a response for more than a month, access to your account will not be returned to you. Get a new profile and start from scratch - there is no other choice.

Unblocking from another account in Tik Tok

You can access your old profile and unblock your Tik Tok through the new one. To do this, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the application and log in to the desired account.
  2. Tap on three points in the "Me" section to get into the settings.
  3. Then scroll down all the items to reach the "Support" section. And select the inscription "Report a problem".
  4. Open the "Account and Profile" section.
  5. Select Login.

Further actions include the same points, which are mentioned in the subheading "How to recover a deleted account in TikTok?".

After that, you will have to wait for a response from the administration in this account. If there is no response, do not write many emails, because the new profile can also be blocked for spam.

How to avoid blocking in TikTok

It can be tricky to navigate the multitude of community rules, but blocking can be avoided with minimal effort. Consider the tips below:

  • do not post high-profile content that will generate negativity. Better to focus on entertainment or educational materials;
  • comment on videos of users without threats, obscene language and insults. If you want to criticize, do it calmly and objectively, without becoming personal;
  • do not spam in the description and when placing hashtags, use popular tags in a minimum amount so that they help get into Tik Tok recommendations;
  • work on your reputation. If you are planning to become a blogger on TikTok, pick one or two areas for yourself and develop in that. Discussing different topics increases the risk of violation.

Consider these guidelines to show yourself as a user who follows the rules. The system and moderators will be more loyal to you in this case.

by (3.5m points)

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