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How to understand Tik Tok slang

in Lifehacks and secrets of TikTok by (552k points)
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Why do you need slang in Tik Tok
Youth slang in Tik Tok 2021
How to incorporate Tik Tok slang into speech
Inappropriate Tik Tok slang
New entries in the Tik Tok slang dictionary

The TikTok platform is growing every month, so it's reasonable to consider it a separate community that sets trends in social networks. Users communicate in their own way, which is different from the usual speech..


Understanding this Tik Tok slang is difficult for beginners who belong to a different age group. It takes more than one day to study, so the work slows down. This article explains the terms that Tiktokers often use in order to understand them faster.

Why do you need slang in Tik Tok

Language and online communication strive for lightness and simplicity. Complex expressions are inconvenient and wasting people's time. In a fast-paced society, there is no room for cumbersome sentences and expressions..

Tiktokers act in a similar way - they make it easier to communicate with each other. This is expressed not only in short phrases, but also in borrowing words from other languages ​​and areas with some changes.

The TikTok community is made up of children and adolescents from all over the world, so the use of user-friendly English words is convenient. The chances that a foreign subscriber will understand your message increases..

Youth slang in Tik Tok 2021

If you want to get to know the platform better, it's better to start with the TikTokers' communication style. The following words and phrases are popular on TikTok:

  • A tutorial is content for teaching users a technique or movement. They shoot such videos not only on TikTok, but also on other social platforms.
  • Rec stands for Tik Tok Recommendations. You can meet the word in hashtags and comments. It is easier for bloggers to write this abbreviation than a full-length phrase.
  • Crash - the word denotes a person you like. From English, the word is translated as "lament", which is why it has acquired such a meaning in slang. A person laments before the one with whom he is in love. The word is used not only by tiktokers - it has spread throughout the Internet.
  • POV (PLOV) - POV in Tik Tok is called the heading on the site. The author in it talks about the situation or comes up with a plot, but the story is not only from him, but also from another person or object.
    POV is another popular hashtag for promotion on Tik Tok. One of its variations is PLOV.
  • Kring is the name given to a feeling of irritation or dislike in relation to a person's content or to the personality of a Tiktoker. Usually, strange, inadequate videos are called krinzhovy.
  • CHECK on Tik Tok is also a hashtag that raises popularity in the application. It means in translation from English "Check, check out". Bloggers often use this word in their videos to quickly explain the content of the video.
  • Boomer - Tiktokers call people who have outdated installations. If a commentator does not understand a widespread joke on the site, they can write to him that he is a boomer.
  • Duet - in the usual sense, the phrase denotes two people who are busy with the same thing. In TikTok youth slang in 2020, this means a video that is filmed by two authors. Read our article on How to Record a Duo on Tik Tok for Thousands of Views.
  • Tomboy is a girl who looks and behaves like a guy. Tombos usually have short hair and a man-like manner. They do not pretend to be feminine.

Many expressions have been invented on the platform, but they are not as common as these. If you want to join the TikTok community, use the words above.

How to incorporate Tik Tok slang into speech

Newbie bloggers often have popularity in their plans, so it makes sense to include slang expressions in speech. This way the TikToker gets closer to the audience faster.

It is important to do this unobtrusively. Words in comments or descriptions should be appropriate, look harmonious. Otherwise, Tiktokers will take it ambiguously.

Follow the tips below if it is important for you to include slang in your speech:

  1. Don't overdo it. It is important to place words in a sentence gradually. Don't overlap each new phrase.
  2. Insert within the meaning. If the word does not fit the meaning, you will not only be misunderstood, but may also be ridiculed.
  3. Don't be afraid to be wrong. If you misspelled a word, don't make excuses in the comments. Mistakes happen, there is no problem.


Working with these tips will help bring the action to automatism. Then you won't think about how to use the words, because you make it a habit.

Inappropriate Tik Tok slang

The language contains words that are suitable for one activity of people, but are not used in others. On the TikTok platform, it may be appropriate to use the expressions listed above, but it is unwise to use them when communicating with your boss.

Try not to overuse slang, because there is a chance that you will not be understood. If your boss, colleague or friend is not interested in Tik Tok, such communication will be incomprehensible to him. Therefore, use phrases when you are sure that the person will understand what you are talking about.


When solving professional or business issues in correspondence or life, slang is also not welcome. Information style without parasitic words is what is best used for communication.

New entries in the Tik Tok slang dictionary

The platform is expanding its influence, so the number of users is growing daily. Slang phrases will evolve and appear as your audience grows, so it's best to track trends.

  1. To do this, subscribe to popular bloggers, because they often set trends.
  2. Comment on videos and chat in the section with other users. New slang sometimes comes from creative commentators.
  3. Keep in touch with Tik Tok's foreign bloggers. They are native speakers of English, and most of the words come from this language.
  4. Set your own expression trends. To do this, you need to connect a creative and create an intriguing video in which the phrase will be appropriate.

It is important to show patience and imagination. If there is no talent for this, it is better not to put raw options on public display. Work through proposals before distributing them.

The viral words and popular phrases from Tik Tok that become part of Tiktoker slang are often born by chance. Do not be afraid to improvise sometimes on video, because it can bring popularity in the end.

by (3.5m points)

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