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How to change the country in Tik Tok

in Tik Tok instructions by (552k points)
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How to change country settings in Tik Tok
Why change the country in TikTok
Country creator Tik Tok
In which countries is TikTok banned

The Tik Tok platform appeared in China but quickly spread around the world. This fact influenced the fact that TikTok is now tied to a specific country by the user's geolocation..

As a result, this affects the language in Tik Tok, the content and the prevalence of the author's videos among a particular audience. A resident of the Russian Federation will initially not be able to download the application in English if he lives on his territory.

Its content will be in the recommendations of Russian-speaking users. He will also come across clips of Russian tiktokers in the tape..


This is a convenient function, but users often want to change the region to another in the settings. The article deals with this issue step by step.

How to change country settings in Tik Tok

Changing country settings in Tik Tok is simple, just a few clicks..

If you have an old version of the utility, you can switch the region in this way:

  1. Go to the Tik Tok platform and log in to your account.
  2. Open the settings by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. You will need the Content and Activities section. Enter it and go downstairs.
  4. Find the "Preferred Content" item. Click "Add language" and change to the option you want.
  5. Save the settings.

In the new version of Tik Tok, the item is located in the "Application language" section. Here you can change the language in Tik Tok, and the country of residence, respectively.

As a result, your Tik Tok recommendation feed will change. Also, your clips will come across more often to the audience who lives in the territory of the selected region.

Why change the country in TikTok

Users often live in areas where TikTok is subject to restrictions in work or is prohibited. To avoid this, they download Tik Tok through a browser in a different version or look for ways to translate it to the settings of a different country.

It rarely helps to get around the limitations, but as an option for a temporary solution it may work. It is important to understand that if you live in an area where the use of TikTok is prohibited, local authorities will monitor attempts to access the application and restrict use even more.

It will also be interesting: what to do if Tik Tok slows down.

Country creator Tik Tok

TikTok appeared in 2016 thanks to Chinese developers. The social network is available in all language versions for the user, but it cannot be switched to Chinese.


The original version is only available in China, because to register, you need to bind your phone number to the local operator's Tik Tok. Otherwise, TikTok will have a standard view for world users. Users without a Chinese number will not be able to register on the original version of the platform.

In which countries is TikTok banned

In order not to miscalculate with the choice of the country, it is important to know in which regions Tik Tok is prohibited.

Currently, TikTok is completely banned in India. Although the utility was developed in China, it is not available in one of the main cities - Hong Kong, due to suspicions of spying on users.

Russia, Japan and the United States are introducing gradual sanctions against Tik Tok. In the States, high-ranking officials cannot use the network.

Recently, there were rumors that the social network was completely banned, but users from the United States are still publishing content. In Russia and Japan, simply restrictive measures are being introduced because of the insecurity of specific actions by TikTokers to raise their popularity.

If you want to change your country of residence, it is important to consider where the social network is available. If you indicate that you live in India, there is a chance that the utility will not work fully.

by (3.5m points)

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