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How to know if they are blocking or censoring the Internet and social networks?

in Applications by (552k points)
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How do I know if the internet or social networks are blocking me?

The creators of the popular anonymous browser TOR are also behind the OONI software that allows you to detect if an Internet connection is censored, monitored or manipulated  by your ISP. Currently this program is available for Raspberry Pi, Mac OS X, Linux computers and yes, there is also a version for Android and iOS, under the name OONIprobe..

How do I know if the internet or social networks are blocking me?

Basically, the OONIprobe application finds out if access to websites or domains that the government may possibly consider sensitive to your interests has been blocked . For example, news sites, communication sites like Facebook or WhatsApp, about some ideology or religion, pornography, etc. Obviously it does not check all Internet sites, so if you suspect that a web page is not opening because it is being blocked or censored, you can also test that particular page with this application.

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The creators say that this software can also detect surveillance systems or traffic manipulation. You can even assess whether systems like TOR, proxies, or VPNs are "reachable . "

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In the event that a domain or website is censored, the application suggests entering the page through its HTTPS version using a browser. The other suggestion is to use the TOR browser to access the blocked resource, since "false alarms" are frequently generated on certain web pages. This can happen, among other things, because the app can only query the HTTP version of the site. If you manually enter the website in question through its secure HTTPS version, it may be verified that there is no blocking..

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In addition to the above, OONIprobe can also evaluate the technical state of the Internet connection . Specifically, parameters such as speed and ping.

The only observation to keep in mind is that the use of the application, especially in highly controlled countries, could cause legal or extra legal problems . There have been no reports of any case in this regard, but the developers recommend inquiring about the law of the country or consulting with a lawyer on this matter..

More information:

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