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Ideas for Tik Tok when there is nothing to film

in Promotion in Tik Tok by (552k points)
reopened | 215 views

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Ideas for TikTok without a face
Ideas for TikTok with inscriptions
Ideas for TikTok with anime
Where to get ideas for Tik Tok

TikTok has become one of the leading content platforms - it's easier to get promoted here and you don't need to spend a lot of money on advertising..

If you started with your account, but do not know which videos to make first, refer to trends. Viral videos from Tik Tok trends always gain more views and are more likely to be featured in recommendations. Check out what other bloggers are filming and repeat this trend after them.

If you are looking for specific ideas for a future clip, we have some suggestions for updating your Tik Tok feed..

Ideas for TikTok without a face

Many users have impersonal accounts. Clips are posted there, on which the user's face is not visible. They do this out of a desire to remain anonymous or out of fear that acquaintances might see this video and react ambiguously.

If you have such an account, you will have to think over a content plan for Tik Tok, because not all trending videos will work. You can shoot clips on behalf of your pet or talk about interesting recipes. Read more in our blog ideas for running a Tik Tok without a face..

Ideas for TikTok with inscriptions

If you are duplicating text from a video in your captions, or prefer captioning videos rather than speaking, here are some ideas:

  1. Lip Sync. Videos of this kind are shot to music with clear text. The author of the video moves his lips, sings along to the audio track. To make the video clearer, you can write the text at the bottom. Many people do not know what exactly the song is about, although they listen to it, so this is interesting. You can also highlight specific parts of the song with different colors. At the beginning of the video, tell the listener to sing along when the text turns red.
  2. Stories. Personal stories of bloggers arouse the interest of the audience. Usually they add a lengthy picture or background video without meaning, overlay text in audio format and in the form of an inscription on top. Not everyone can keep up with your speech, so it is appropriate to write the text here.
    In the fall, there was a trend on the wave - to tell a story that happened to you as a child and became a sad experience. Users played along with gestures and movements to the plot, and the words were simply written down below. The video itself was filmed with a song, without words.
  3. Pet video. Many authors take pictures of their cat or dog howling or meowing as if they were pronouncing some words or phrases. The phrase itself is recorded on the video track to explain what the pet is saying.
  4. Hand movements. Add a series of emojis and short action labels to your video. Then follow the indicated emoticons and repeat the movements with your hands or body.
  5. Inscriptions on napkins. Here you do not need to add labels to the video. Write a cute or sad phrase on a napkin, then dip it in water or burn it. It is important to show how it gets wet or is consumed by fire. Don't forget to add music to your videos on Tik Tok.
  6. Conduct a survey on the street or in an institution. When tiktokers conduct interesting surveys in stores or on the street, they duplicate the speaker's text in the captions to make it easier to understand. Approach a passer-by and ask "A beautiful figure or an interesting person?" Write down the answer and pass to another person.


And to make such a video ideally, read on our blog ➤ how to add text to Tik Tok.

Always check the guidelines to keep up with trends and capture relevant content. You can also get ideas there.

Ideas for TikTok with anime

In TikTok there are many anime people who shoot high-quality, and most importantly, interesting content. If you are into this topic, here are some ideas for videos:

  1. Collect your TOP anime. List which anime you think is the best and explain why. You can overlay pictures from this work in the background and write the title in capital letters so that there are fewer questions. Do not forget to add audio from a related topic so that your video will be found by this sound.
  2. Снимите, как вы оцениваете песни из любимого аниме. Выберите произведение, которое вам нравится, и соберите лучшие опенинги из него.
    На видео после съемки добавьте надпись по типу «1,2,3,4,5…» в столбик. Рядом с каждой цифрой вставляйте название песни в зависимости от того, насколько вам она нравится.
    Включайте опенинги друг за другом и указывайте на цифру, которая соответствует вашей оценке. Рядом с цифрой должно появится название трека.
  3. Косплей. Если вы не только любите аниме, но и обожаете переодеваться в любимых персонажей, заснимите это. Выберите момент из аниме, который вам кажется забавным или трагичным и разыграйте роль персонажа.
    Прежде соберите весь костюм, сделайте макияж и прическу. Сделайте так, чтоб соответствие с героем было очевидно. Такие видеоролики заходят хорошо, особенно если это мужской персонаж, которого многие любят.
  4. Выскажите свое мнение. Если вы умеете логично объяснять нетипичные мысли после просмотра видео, поделитесь ими с другими. Выберите сцену или целое аниме и обсудите его смысл с людьми.
    Возможно, вы нашли моменты, смысл которых не всем понятен, но вы догадались. Если идея будет логична, юзеры заинтересуются вашим контентом.
  5. Оживите рисунок. Если вы владеете фотошопом, умеете рисовать на планшете и хорошо работаете в видео-редакторах, можете нарисовать любимого персонажа в интересном образе и оживить его.
    Часто делают ролики на которых персонаж танцует. Еще заходят видео, где два персонажа целуются или обнимаются. Фанаты оценят вашу работу по достоинству.
  6. Снимайте фанфики. Такой формат только популяризуется, но уже востребован. Суть в том, что вы прописываете действия персонажей в ролике, их реплики и диалоги.
    Повествование ведется от лица главное героини, которая попадает в любимое фанатами аниме. Когда ей отвечают или происходит какая-то сцена, добавляют момент из аниме, чтобы визуализировать текст.
  7. Reactions. You can record how the anime characters would react to the person watching the video. Record the likely emotions of the characters and caption the names on the video so people understand who is reacting to them and how.
  8. Cutting to music. Find a melody that is relevant and epic and cut a cool moment from the anime. Substitute the video for the song and add it to TikTok.
  9. Vote. Record your reaction to the voices of your favorite characters in the video in the original voice acting. You can write a 10/10 rating next to it.

In general, the topic of anime is very common, so you can find ideas from other users who are filming about it.

Where to get ideas for Tik Tok

If you post content regularly, ideas may run out. To find new ones, you can:

  1. Enter a direct query in your browser to find ideas that work for your TikTok. You can watch Tik Tok from your computer.
  2. Explore the platform. Go to the recommendations and see what people are filming. Typically, the feed is compiled based on your interests, so the videos in the recommendations will be close in topic to your profile.
    Here you can borrow interesting rubrics or stumble upon the new Tik Tok challenge, which few have repeated so far.
  3. Follow bloggers. Determine what content you are posting and what audience you have. Then find bloggers with similar topics and target audience and see what they are filming.
  4. Watch YouTube channels. On YouTube, you can find many themed videos to help you with your idea. The main thing is to put the meaning in one minute so that the format suits TikTok.

It is better not to copy videos of other users, but to create your own unique content. When you just follow other people's videos, ideas can be born on their own. Don't ignore them, but try and shoot. Some might be really cool.

by (3.5m points)

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