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Find out if you have been blocked on Instagram in a very simple way

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Blocked on Instagram? If you want to know, follow these steps

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Being blocked on Instagram, or any other social tool like WhatsApp or Facebook, is not a dish of good taste. But worse is having doubts about it. Therefore, below, we give you some simple clues to know if we have been sent to the limbo of those blocked in the social network of stories ..

As with WhatsApp, knowing if you have been blocked on Instagram is relatively simple, although not 100% reliable. Only in one case that we will describe below could we qualify as 100% effective. Without further ado, this is what we have to do to see if we have been blocked on Instagram .

Blocked on Instagram? If you want to know, follow these steps


We can ask a friend to review the account . Do we have a friend with an Instagram account who has the person from whom we need the information among his contacts? Let's ask him to find it on Instagram. If it seems normal to him, it's time to admit the harsh reality: he has blocked us from his network..

Search for the user on Instagram . If when you do a search for a certain user in the search engine you cannot see their profile (if it is private) or it appears, but without a profile photo or publications, it is also an unequivocal sign that they have blocked us on Instagram.

Hidden Instagram Stories . If we miss a friend in the stories , either because he was very prolific or for any other reason, he may have blocked us. It is also possible that you have simply stopped posting stories. Why don't we ask you directly and get out of doubt?

Let's try to send a direct message to the person . Can we continue to communicate with that Instagram profile that we have not known about for a long time? Then no problem, it has not blocked us. If the messages do not reach you, it may also be the case that you have simply deleted your profile. Let's not jump to conclusions..

Check the number of followers . If we are one of those who know by heart how many followers we have on Instagram, that a number varies is a bad sign, since it means that they have stopped following us. But beware, if we are also missing someone in the number of followed, that means that they have blocked us (if we have not stopped following anyone, it is understood). Now, the question would be who has decided to do it?


Cover photo | Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

by (3.5m points)

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