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6 useful bots for Tik Tok

in Lifehacks and secrets of TikTok by (552k points)
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Bots for making money in Tik Tok
Bots for making money in Tik Tok
Bots for downloading videos from TikTok
Bots for promotion in TikTok
How not to get caught by a fraudulent bot for TikTok

Bots are programs that are created more often in Telegram, but there are also special services on the network. They help you complete a set of repetitive actions to save you time. Typical action responses to user commands are introduced into the bot functionality..

If we talk about such programs for TikTok, then with the help of a bot you can automate posting to Tik Tok, massliking or massfollowing.

Some of them help you make money - they send you the videos that you watch. Then you get paid for it. The same is true for likes, comments, and subscriptions..

If you are interested in what functionality bots provide to improve work with TikTok or to make money, read the article further. In addition, you will receive a list of programs that you can try right away.

Bots for making money in Tik Tok

If you plan to make money through bots, your TikTok account must meet the following requirements:

  1. The presence of an avatar;
  2. The presence of personal information in the account;
  3. Liked videos are opened in the profile.


It is also recommended to add some videos to your profile to keep your account "live". If you are partnering with a bot that does not require a completed profile, the fees may be lower. Such traffic is usually regarded as "inanimate"..

Bots are often created to increase Tik Tok reach, views and subscribers, but the performers are not paid anything for this. Such programs are often considered fraudulent - they promise earnings, but do not pay money after execution. As a result, the customer is promoted, and you are in the red.

If you open a bot and are in doubt if it is real or not, check it out. To do this, just type in the name of the program in the browser and look for reviews. If people say that they have not received payment for the work, do not start working with such a program.

You will also be interested in: how to monetize Tik Tok.

Bots for making money in Tik Tok

There are three popular services: TikTok Bot, TikTopFree, TikTok Money Bot. Let's take a look at each in detail.

TikTok Bot. The program was developed in Telegram so that users could earn through it. The bot promises users that they will receive 10 rubles for each like, and a rather exorbitant price for a subscription of 20 rubles.

Therefore, people doubted the honesty of the bot. Checks and subsequent reviews about the TikTok Bot showed that the program accepts a request for withdrawing money, but the amount is never received by the person. Therefore, it is better not to turn to him for earnings.

TikTopFree. This service promotes TikTok accounts. Bots subscribe and unsubscribe to user accounts, as well as like and comment on them - they automate work on social networks. Reviews about TikTopFree are positive, the result is really there.

In addition, you can earn on the site after registration - for this you need to perform other people's tasks for likes, comments and subscriptions.

If you need a quick promotion of your Tik Tok account, you can create a task for yourself, but you will have to pay for it. The principle of working with the platform consists of the following stages:

  • you register on the site,
  • click on the "Earn" button,
  • add a TikTok account through which you will perform actions,
  • start to like, comment and subscribe.

Due to TikTok's limits, the bot allows you to earn an average of 100-200 rubles. If you have other social media accounts, you can use them and double your earnings.

User reviews show that payments are fast and consistent. To do this, you need to go to the "Withdrawal" section and apply for a specific amount. The money is credited within five days.

TikTok Money Bot. This service was created by Pavel Douglas, who started developing bots for networks 15 years ago. The platform helps to set up passive earnings - you add TikTok accounts, set up tasks and get paid for completing them.


This is a huge plus - bots can work without breaks for rest, food or sleep, so they are constantly active. If you want to make money through this platform, you need to go to the site and register.

Before starting to earn money, you will have to pay for a license - the minimum cost is 500 rubles. After payment, add several accounts and set up the task. After the start, the money will start coming to your account on the site.

Bots for downloading videos from TikTok

In addition to bots for making money, there are others. For example, programs that help download videos from social networks without a watermark.

They were developed by Telegram, and you can use them for free. The most popular bots are TikTok Save Bot and TikTok bot. To work with them, you need to enter a name in the application search and start a correspondence.


After that, use the commands that are in the bot - start, help, and so on. Usually you need to send a link to a video in TikTok, and the program will send you a clip without a watermark. After that, you can download it immediately.

Bots for promotion in TikTok

If you want to promote your page through a bot and not online services, use Vtope. Through this program, you can order tasks for subscriptions, views, likes or comments.


But you have to pay for this. Here you have only two options: either you earn points after completing identical tasks from other users, or you buy a package of points for money and pay for the task.

The advantage of Vtope is that you can save on buying a package if you buy the biggest one. This option is suitable for people who plan to work with a bot for a long time, but do not want to waste time on completing tasks.

How not to get caught by a fraudulent bot for TikTok

On the Internet, you can find reviews about online services that help you earn or promote your profile. When you study the information, you will find out if the service works honestly.

However, it is more difficult with Telegram - users rarely leave reviews. But you should search anyway if the bot is popular enough.

We recommend working only with Telegram bots that are not intended to make money. There are a lot of scammers in this messenger, so it is better to use free programs - this way you will not lose anything. Collaborate with those bots you are confident in.

by (3.5m points)

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