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Macbook screen stays black - what to do?

in macOS by (552k points)
reopened | 124 views

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Before you start ...
If all else fails ...
Better safe than sorry

If the MacBook screen won't pop up, there could be many causes - and you can fix many of them yourself! We show what to do..

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For many users, an Apple Macbook is an absolute dream device. No wonder: the devices are robust, long-lasting and have powerful and long-lasting batteries that are still good after many years. In terms of performance, a Macbook - even in the smallest version - is always fast enough for everyday tasks thanks to the perfectly coordinated macOS operating system. However, Macbooks are not immune to errors either. Sometimes the screen just stays black. We help with troubleshooting.

Before you start ...

In many cases, a black screen on the Macbook is simply the result of an operator error. In principle, however, there can also be a software error. In the worst case, the hardware is not working properly, for example because of a broken cable or a burned out graphics card. As a result, troubleshooting should follow a pattern that slowly moves from the simplest to the most complex problem possible.

  1. Shut down the Macbook (Pro)
  1. If you notice that your Macbook Pro is only showing a black screen, the first thing to do is shut down the device. With older Macbook models without a Touch Bar, such as the Macbook Air, the small Pro or the 12-inch Macbook, you can simply hold down the power button. This switches off the computer.
  1. The procedure is identical on Macbooks with Touch Bar: Press and hold the Touch Bar power button (on the far right on the bar) until the device switches off.
  1. Eliminate problems with power supply
  1. Connect the Macbook to its power adapter. In any case, take the original power supply that matches the model: Especially with Macbooks with Thunderbolt-3 / USB-C charging function, the power supply can be the cause. Leave the device on for a while, then try turning it on. If the screen remains black, you should first bring the Macbook into a dark environment and check whether the keyboard and screen are lit up. Then you can take further steps.
  1. Exclude monitors and hardware as sources of error
  1. If you have connected the Macbook (Pro) to external devices, you should disconnect them now: Switch off the Book (step 1) and unplug all plugs except for the power supply. Especially models that only have Thunderbolt-3 or USB-C could believe that peripheral devices are attached to an external monitor - and therefore do not show a picture on the internal monitor. Do not use any hubs, monitors or the like, only use the power supply via the power supply unit supplied. Now turn on the Macbook. If the screen remains black, you need to look further.
  1. Perform a PRAM and SMC reset
  1. In some cases the cause of a missing display is an incorrect value in the deep system memory of the Macbook. The so-called parameter RAM (“PRAM”) and the system management controller (“SMC”) take effect before the operating system starts. Reset the PRAM by holding down the [CMD] + [Option] + [P] + [R] keys while switching on until the Macbook restarts once.
  1. Is there still no ad? Then you should try the SMC reset. This is carried out on current Mac notebooks as follows: On the computer that is switched off, hold down the [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [Option] keys and the on / off switch for 10 seconds. For devices with a touch bar, the touch ID is the on / off switch. Then release all four buttons and switch the Macbook back on. Ideally, everything will work out again now.
  1. Exclude driver problem
  1. If the screen remains black, there could be a driver problem. To determine this, you have to boot into the lowest possible operating mode of the macOS system, the so-called single-user mode. This corresponds to the safe mode of a Windows system: first turn the Mac off and then on again. Hold down the [cmd] + [S] keys. You should now see a command line.
  1. If so, it is probably due to a driver. In this case you have to restart your Macbook and call up the recovery environment with [cmd] + [R]. Here you can reinstall macOS over the existing installation. All data are retained, but problematic system expansions are shut down.
  1. Isolate hardware problems
  1. If you don't see a picture even in single-user mode, many things indicate a hardware problem. The Macbook probably needs to be repaired. However, you should test beforehand exactly where the problem could be. If you have an external monitor at hand, you should connect it to the switched off Macbook and switch it on. Make sure the monitor is set to the correct port. Then start the Macbook. If it starts normally on the external monitor, you have isolated a hardware problem: the graphics card is obviously fine, but the connection between it and the internal monitor is disturbed. There may be a broken cable. Or the screen itself is defective. If it works like this, you can at least save some data,before taking the Macbook for repair.
  1. The external screen on the Macbook also remains black
  1. If the external screen also stays black, there is obviously a bigger problem. Most likely, your Macbook has had major hardware damage, affecting either the graphics card - and thus the motherboard, the so-called logic board. However, you should double-check, because maybe only one of the graphics or USB-C / Thunderbolt ports is crazy. So feel free to try the screen on all ports. Do not forget to shut down the Macbook between plugging in in order to rule out this source of error.

If all else fails ...

Unfortunately, with these measures the possibilities for self-diagnosis are exhausted. If you are not successful with any of the solutions, there is likely a serious defect and the Macbook needs to be repaired. In this case, take it to your trusted Apple service partner, he will analyze the error again, find further solutions if necessary and, in the worst case, tell you how much it will cost to repair the damage..

Better safe than sorry

Basically, no Macbook - like no Mac in general - is immune to such failures. So if you want to be on the safe side, you always have to make sure that you have an up-to-date Time Machine backup to hand, preferably on an external hard drive with a USB connection. This allows you to restore a replacement device or a Macbook that may have been deleted during the repair at any time. The hardware damage may be bad, but the loss of valuable data is far more serious. You should therefore be prepared for this at all times, especially since it also protects you from theft and other hardware damage such as hard drive failures. In this guide, we will explain to you how to create a Time Machine backup of your Mac.

by (3.5m points)

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