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How can I create Wikipedia entries?

in Tips & Tricks by (552k points)
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How can I create a Wikipedia entry?
How do I write a good Wikipedia article?

Would you like to write a Wikipedia article? Here's everything you need to know..

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The Wikipedia website provides vast amounts of concentrated knowledge. And even if Wikipedia is not always completely credible as a source, you can get an initial overview of a topic there. And what's special: everyone can contribute. This means that if you want to add your specialist knowledge to the online encyclopedia, nothing stands in the way of you.

How can I create a Wikipedia entry?

To create a Wikipedia entry, you first need to create an account. About this Wikipedia page you can specify the account information to then log it.

In order to be able to work as an author on Wikipedia, you have to create an account.

You can then use this Wikipedia page to plan and work through the further procedure step by step:

Step 1: Check

Item Name Use the search box on this page to check the title of your item. Also try to enter synonyms so that you can really make sure that there is still no post on the topic. You can also check whether the article you are looking for already exists in another language. Then you can add your post to that other post..

Before you create a new post, you should first check whether there is already an article with this or a similar title.

Step 2: Check relevance

Next, you should check whether your desired post meets the relevance criteria of Wikipedia. For example, it is important that you do not write the article out of self-interest or for your own presentation. Writing or editing a post about a stranger, such as a prominent person, often works much less judiciously than writing a post about yourself or your own company. Wikipedia has prepared a few tips for you here too. Here you will find an overview of the exact relevance criteria and here you will find an overview of topics that are not on Wikipedia . This includes pure translations, because Wikipedia is an encyclopedia and not a dictionary.

3rd step: Collecting receipts

This step is relatively self-explanatory. You shouldn't just "write on it", but deal with the topic beforehand. Therefore, you should have some sources at hand so that you can substantiate the knowledge from your article with appropriate literature. Because every good Wikipedia article contains a small bibliography at the bottom, from which evidence and possible further links emerge. This is another step for quality assurance..

4. Step: Select the article title and location

The article title, also known as the lemma, should get to the heart of your topic. A title like "Dog Breed with Black and White Dots (Dalmatian)" is too long and not precise enough. On the other hand, if you use a title like "Dalmatian" or "Dalmatian (breed of dog)" it is much more accurate about what it is about. The place of creation indicates where you are editing the article. A distinction is made between the "user namespace" and the "article namespace". In the user namespace you can prepare your contribution and continue working on the draft. Nothing is published for the time being, but the content can be viewed by other Wikipedia users if necessary. If you write the post directly in the article namespace, it should be as error-free and ready as possible.Because the article namespace actually includes exactly the page that is then published on Wikipedia. If you only want to write one or two sentences at a time, the post would be considered unfinished and would be deleted very quickly. This is not the case in the username space.

You can create a new article directly via the help page mentioned above. If you are not entirely sure, you should first save the post on your username page.

5. Step: Write an article

Now you have to write your article. Make sure you write with the highest possible quality. This includes optimal spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Also, don't forget to link your sources. You can find out more about writing a Wikipedia article well later in this section of our post. You can then display a preview and then sort the article into the appropriate category. Your contribution will then be checked by quality management (experienced Wikipedia users) and activated if all the necessary conditions are met. If something is wrong with the article, it can also be deleted. In case you feel that the deletion was a mistake, you can contact an administrator and ask about the reason for the deletion.

How do I write a good Wikipedia article?

The same requirements apply to an entry on Wikipedia as to general reporting and independent sources. Relevant information should be conveyed as neutrally as possible in a Wikipedia entry. That means there is no place here for ratings or your own opinions. This may seem obvious for an entry about a certain species of animal, but it can quickly become difficult, especially with political issues.

In general, you should use a formal and appropriate writing style. You should avoid filler words and box sentences as far as possible, because they restrict the flow of reading. Be sure to read through your text again after you have written it. It can also help to read your own entry aloud, as difficult sections are often more noticeable.

Of course, sources and evidence are also important for an entry in the online encyclopedia. Because you can't just publish any information without evidence or literature. In that case, your article would be deleted pretty quickly. It is therefore important to back up all content with sources.

For more information and tips on writing well, see the Wikipedia help page.

by (3.5m points)

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