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The difference between a modem and a router

in Tips & Tricks by (552k points)
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Connect to the internet
What is a modem?
What is a router?

Modem, router - the main thing is the Internet! In this post we will show you how the devices and connections differ..

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Image: <span> sirtravelalot / Shutterstock.com </span>

When it comes to a connection to the Internet, many dealers throw technical terms around: DSL, WLAN, modem or router are just a few of them. In this tipps + tricks article, we explain the differences and the advantages of routers with and without modem.

Connect to the internet

You need a DSL modem so that you can connect your PC, laptop or smartphone to the Internet . This makes it possible to establish an Internet connection for a single device. If you want to connect several devices to the Internet, you need a DSL router in addition to the DSL modem . Most routers have a built-in modem so you don't need to purchase additional equipment. The router can establish a connection to the provider via the modem. We have explained the difference between DSL and WLAN routers for you in the section " What is a router? ".

Note : The abbreviation DSL stands for the digital transmission of data over the telephone network in a high bandwidth. The English term "digital subscriber line" means something like "digital subscriber line" in German..

What is a modem?

The term “ modem ” is made up of “modulator” and “demodulator”. Here, digital signals are exchanged between the end devices. The modem is mainly used in the telephone network or cable connection. It is on the phone line and connects to the Internet. Since the modem can only connect a single device to the Internet via cable, it is now rarely used for this purpose.

What is a router?

The router is a network device that can forward so-called network packets. Routers can not only establish an Internet connection, but also couple devices with each other via WLAN (radio) or LAN (wired). In practical terms, the router forms a network between the connected devices. The so-called DSL router has a built-in DSL modem. However, here too, the computers can only be connected to the network via cables. The type of router that is most commonly used today is the wireless router . In contrast to the DSL router, several devices can be connected to each other or to the Internet at the same time and via WLAN. WLAN routers are available with and without an internal DSL modem . The disadvantage of a WLAN router without a built-in DSL modem is that an external modem has to be purchased. The WLAN router cannot establish an Internet connection without a DSL modem..

by (3.5m points)

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