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Why does your business need a VPN network

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What is a VPN network and what is it for?
Advantages and benefits of using a VPN in the company


A VPN network offers an extra security that many companies may not know about. In this article we tell you what a VPN is and how it can help you and your company in your work..

What is a VPN network and what is it for?

When we browse a web page, our internet provider receives an access request. They are the ones who direct us to our destination (for example, this blog). This request brings with it personal information, such as our IP address .

However, if before starting to surf we connect to a VPN network, this information will be filtered through a server, which applies a data encryption protocol . The personal information will arrive encrypted to the data provider, and will offer the server IP of said VPN connection instead of our personal one..

On the internet there are both free and paid services to be able to have a VPN connection on our computer equipment. From the Lenovo blog we recommend hiring a company that provides us with the service through a subscription payment, since the free service needs to trade with our data to obtain benefits.


Advantages and benefits of using a VPN in the company

  1. Private and secure connection . Companies work with sensitive information that can be leaked through computer cyberspies. With a VPN connection we strengthen the security of our company.
  2. Secure connection in public wifis . How many times could we have taken advantage of the idle hours in an airport or on the train working, but we have distrusted public Wi-Fi? Thanks to a VPN connection, this fear evaporates: we will be safe browsing this way and we will use the time properly.
  3. Avoid firewalls . There are states that limit the web browsing of its inhabitants. And if we are in one of these countries and we have to work, it will be good for us to have a VPN connection to avoid firewalls.

These three advantages are the most important when it comes to browsing the internet with a VPN connection. In addition, its handling is very simple, although it will depend on what we hire. In general, it is enough to enter the website of the corresponding VPN service and click on the server , hosted in a specific country, through which we will be connecting..

It is up to the user to consider the alternative of connecting through a VPN. Some websites offer a trial period: we can take advantage of it to see if it is definitely worth purchasing .


by (3.5m points)

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