Excel offers many different formulas for calculating a variety of things. For example, the day of the week for a specific date..
What day of the week was November 14th, 2020? Was it a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc ...? If you want to know what day of the week a certain date fell on, you can easily find out the day in Excel. We'll show you how it's done.
With the Excel function TEXT you can convert numbers into text and apply formatting to these numbers. It is therefore ideal if you want to determine the day of the week for a date. Since dates are actually only sequential numbers, you can use this function to convert any date into a text string with the format for days of the week. The syntax for the TEXT function is as follows: =TEXT(Wert;Format)
In our example, we now want to determine the day of the week for the date 11/14/2020, which is in cell B2. =TEXT(B2;"TTTT") To do this, we use the following formula: This formula converts our date value in cell B2 to the corresponding day of the week. So here we get the value Saturday. If you specify only " TTT " for the format instead of " TTTT " , the abbreviated name of the day of the week is returned, as you can see in cell D3.
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