There are different ways to represent colors on the computer. However, it is not always easy to convert a color value of one system into the corresponding hue of another system. In addition to manual tables, there are now also color calculator tools that make the conversion much easier for you.
Why convert color values?
As a layperson, the question "Why should I know which colors correspond to which values in which system?" Can quickly arise. This is easy to answer: There are different basic systems, especially when it comes to programming and web development. A different color system is used depending on the age of the system and the preferences of the developer. The most commonly used systems are HEX (HEXADECIMAL) and CMYK. In the hexadecimal system, the basic colors red, green and blue are assigned values that each determine the intensity or the proportion of this individual color in the desired color. This system is located in the RGB color space (because of red, green, blue). Another system is the CMYK system. Here, too, the letters in the name stand for colors: C for cyan, M for magenta,Y for yellow and key - in this context the term "key" means the proportion of black color. Values for four different color components are then output here. The CMYK system is mainly used in printing - many printers these days still need cartridges in these same colors. There is also the color coding for HTML. These are not based on individual values of colors, but on programmed codes. These can be read off from color tables.There is also the color coding for HTML. These are not based on individual values of colors, but on programmed codes. These can be read off from color tables.There is also the color coding for HTML. These are not based on individual values of colors, but on programmed codes. These can be read off from color tables.
Since different systems are sometimes used at the same time, it may be necessary to convert these values. You will find out the easiest ways to do this in the next step..
Convert colors with table and calculator
There are two options for converting the colors: You can use a calculator or a color table. Color tables have been around longer than calculators, but they are not as precise. If you're just looking for an approximate shade, this is the one for you. But if you want to hit exactly the same tone in the HEX system as in the HTML color code, for example, a converter is more suitable for you. If you simply search for one method or another on the internet, you will quickly find it. We will now show you both systems using the website as an example :
Color calculator
With the help of a color calculator , you can easily convert a hue into the same hue in another system. Simply enter the relevant values into the calculator. The corresponding values for the color in other systems are automatically output to you. Color table
Go to a website with a color table . Here you can now choose a suitable color from one of the many colors. You can use the corresponding code in HTML by adding a # in front of it.