+4 votes
Mac: Empty the cache - this is how it works

in macOS by (552k points)
reopened | 149 views

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Mac: how to clear the system cache
1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
4th step:
quick start Guide

In this article, we will show you how to clear temporary files from the system cache on your Mac..

image image

"Cache" is French for "hiding place" and in IT means data that is not visible to the user but is stored in the background. These serve to accelerate tasks and processes. If too much background data accumulates, however, it can also slow down your computer. The macOS High Sierra operating system automatically deletes both cache and temporary files, so that no or at least very little unused data should be floating around on your computer. In order to free your memory from unnecessary ballast, to correct errors and, if necessary, to make the system a little faster, it is still worth manually emptying the cache. We'll show you how it's done.

Note: Create a TimeMachine backup beforehand so that you can restore deleted data in an emergency.

Mac: how to clear the system cache

Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions ..

1st step:

Before you clear the cache, close all applications on your Mac first. Then open the Finder and go to " Go to folder " or press the key combination [Shift] + [Cmd] + [G] .

2nd step:

Now enter " / Library / Caches " in the text field and confirm with " Open ".

3rd step:

You are now in the " Caches " folder . Click to select the files and that should be deleted from your macOS. Hold down the Command key to select multiple folders . With a right click you can then "put them in the trash ".

4th step:

Finally, right click on the trash and go to " Empty Trash ".

Note: Terminal does not display the password as it is entered. So just enter your password and press [Enter] .

quick start Guide

  1. Close all applications on your Mac and open Finder .
  2. Then click on " Go to Folder " or press the key combination [Shift] + [Cmd] + [G] .
  3. Now enter " / Library / Caches " in the free text line.
  4. Select the temporary files that you want to remove.
  5. First delete the files from the cache folder by right-clicking and " Put in the trash ".
  6. Finally, also empty your recycle bin by right-clicking and then using the " Empty Recycle Bin " command .

Tip: Is your browser getting slower and slower? We'll explain how you can easily clear the Safari cache..

by (3.5m points)

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