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What is the pomodoro technique and how it can help you in your studies

in Help by (552k points)
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What is the pomodoro technique?
Pomodoro technique to study: which app to download
What are the advantages of the pomodoro technique?


¿ What is the pomodoro technique ? Is it difficult to apply? And, what is more important: will it help me in my studies and jobs? In this article we are going to explain what this method consists of, how to carry it out in our day to day life and what its advantages are..

What is the pomodoro technique?

Created at the end of the eighties by the computer engineer Francesco Cirillo, the pomodoro technique is a method to improve the management of the time dedicated to a certain activity . It is about focusing all our concentration on a single task during a set time, separated by short breaks that are also scheduled.

Pomodoro technique to study: which app to download

In the Google store we can find a wide variety of applications for the student. Among them, some application of the pomodoro technique to be able to do an exhaustive follow-up of our work ..

One of the best that we can download is 'Focus To-Do', free and with numerous customization options. It has a paid version, but for the basics it is enough.

On the home screen we can start by creating a new project or task..


In this section we will also find useful information although, for now, we focus on our first pomodoro or time interval. We click on the bottom, where we find the number 25. This number refers to the minutes  that we will dedicate to a certain task . Just one, and putting all our attention on it, avoiding any type of distraction such as opening social networks or talking on WhatsApp.

Once a pomodoro is over (25 minutes), the first five-minute break begins . We can take the opportunity to stretch our legs, hydrate ourselves, go to the bathroom ... Once finished, the second pomodoro of another 25 minutes will begin. The entire session will end at all four pomodoros with a 15-minute rest interval. We can configure these times and adapt them to our needs, but we recommend leaving them as they come in the app by default.


Likewise, we can configure notifications or disable breaks, among other things. It is better to leave the tool as it is configured, just worry about creating the project and starting the pomodoro session.

What are the advantages of the pomodoro technique?

One of the great advantages of this technique is that it forces us to take breaks . If we work in front of a screen we know what this means. And those respite periods, apart from being a relief for eyestrain, clear the mind and make us more productive. In addition, over time, a habit will be created in which we will learn to concentrate the effort on a single task and thus avoid multitasking.

Cover image | Tristan gassert


by (3.5m points)

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