+5 votes
6 apps for face retouching and body shaping

in Photo by (552k points)
reopened | 197 views

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perfect me
pics art
body tune

Are you lacking motivation to go to the gym? Check out a list of apps to help you figure out what your body might look like without a few extra pounds. Let's call it "fitspiration". This fashionable word today is derived from the English phrase "fitness inspiration" - literally: "an incentive to keep yourself in excellent physical shape." With the help of these apps, you can also correct ordinary selfies, group photos and look even better than popular Instagrammers..

perfect me


You don't like the photo you took. How to be? Don't worry, Perfect Me (Android) will help you - a photo editor with which you can retouch any part of your body - arms, face, legs, etc. All proportions and symmetry will be preserved. An intuitive interface and a scanning system allow you to correctly identify parts of your body in a photo and edit them as needed.

Face retouching features are also available in the application. Teeth whitening, lip augmentation, nose reshaping—make whatever changes you think can improve your appearance. You don't have to download separate apps or apply online filters to enhance your photos. Perfect Me has pre-made filters. You can also change the background, blur it and remove unwanted objects..



If you are looking for a versatile photo editor that can improve your appearance from head to toe, I recommend  RetouchMe (Android). With it, you can make a person in the photo slimmer, retouch the face, add accessories. Just upload a photo and start editing.

To make the figure in the frame slimmer, select the “body” category and make any changes, both major and minor..

The retouching function will help you remove wrinkles, tighten your cheeks, straighten your nose, make your lips plumper, etc. The application, like a magic wand, hides all visible defects. You can fix your hair, add a tan, remove tattoos, make your chest bigger, your waist thinner. In general, RetouchMe allows you to turn any person into a Hollywood star.

pics art


Experienced retouchers will agree with the statement that PicsArt (Android) photo editor can replace dozens of thematic applications, because it contains all the necessary photo editing tools. If you are not satisfied with your figure in the photo, just click the "Edit" button. The result will pleasantly surprise you. All function buttons are located at the bottom of the screen - this helps users navigate the application faster.

PicsArt offers a whole range of retouching tools available in both manual and automatic modes. For example, the app can shrink your belly or any other part of your body. This free application also comes in handy if you need to remove unwanted objects from your photo - thanks to PicsArt, you can easily get rid of any distractions in the frame.

body tune


BodyTune (iOS) is a photo editor that can work wonders. BodyTune automatically detects body parts, after which you choose which changes to apply. You can reduce your waist or hips. BodyTune will offer several correction options, from which you need to choose the one that you consider the most suitable.

In this case, several changes can be applied at once: reduce the hips or make them wider, lengthen the legs to appear taller. The application offers a whole collection of tattoos that can be added to the body.



No more sweating at the gym to look slimmer in a photo! BodyApp ( iOS) works with the most problematic parts of the body. With BodyApp, you can advantageously emphasize the curves of the figure, change the waist line, give an attractive shape to the chest and buttocks, make legs slimmer and longer. At the same time, all the changes made look realistic.

Although the majority of users are women, men will not feel left out either - you can build muscle, for example, increase the biceps, make the figure more slender, remove or add a beard.

The application also allows you to improve skin tone, add a tan or apply tattoos. You can control the intensity of each parameter and choose a shape, such as abs, based on your own ideas of beauty.



Spring (iOS) is an application for those who care about keeping the photo realistic while processing. It will not turn you into Miss or Mister Universe, but it will definitely make you slimmer and prettier in the photo even without major changes.

On the one hand, this is great, since no one will suspect that you have applied any "tuning". On the other hand, the possibilities of the application are not too wide.

You can also reduce, for example, the size of the head. It is better to select the correction area manually, since automatic recognition is not accurate enough. Remember to stick to logical proportions: when you increase your height in the photo, make your head a little smaller.

by (3.5m points)

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