+5 votes
6 apps with tattoo sketches

in Photo by (552k points)
reopened | 201 views

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Tattoo Trends
Tattoo My Photo 2.0
Tattoo johnny

Even ancient civilizations used drawings on bodies to indicate a high social status, connect with the gods, and perpetuate the history of the tribe. Archaeologists date the first tattoos between 3370 BC. and 3100 BC With the spread of Christianity, tattoos became unacceptable in society until the 18th century. In the 21st century, we finally have complete freedom of expression..

But there is a small problem. Getting a tattoo is a serious step. Once the paint is already injected under the skin, nothing can be changed. Therefore, this matter must be approached very carefully. So that later you do not have to worry about an unsuccessfully selected pattern, it is better to think well about the design of the tattoo in advance. The applications from this review will help you with this task.



Tattoodo is the largest tattoo community in the world, very similar to Instagram, but created specifically for tattoo lovers. More than 600,000 designs from nearly 25,000 studios around the world are collected here. You can search by style, motives and many other parameters..

Scrolling through the tape, you can add the picture you like to your collection. If you wish, you can even contact its author. Tattoodo can also be used to find a master. The location function allows you to find the nearest tattoo studios in your area.

The app is available for Android and iPhone ..



You've already decided which tattoo you want, but you can't decide where it will look best. Where to apply it, on the biceps or on the forearm? Why not see how it will look both there and there? The InkHunter mobile application will help you with this.

InkHunter is one of the best examples of augmented reality on smartphones. You just have to draw a small rectangle at the place where you plan to apply the tattoo, upload the design you like to the application and point the phone camera at the drawn rectangle. After that, the rectangle will disappear and InkHunter will show you how the tattoo will look in the selected place. Move your smartphone from side to side to see how it looks from different angles.

In the application itself, there are already several design options. You can choose one of them or add your own, having previously placed it in the phone gallery. You can also take a screenshot and send it to your friends.

Available for Android and iPhone .

Tattoo Trends


Tattoo Trends is the official application of Inkstinct and the Instagram channel of the same name @ inkstinct.co . Here you can always find the latest tattoos and find out about fashion trends. The application is designed for both those who are looking for sketches for tattoos and those who draw them. With Tattoo Trends you can chat with the masters or choose a ready-made design.

Available for iPhone only .

Tattoo My Photo 2.0


Tattoo My Photo 2.0 application allows you to superimpose selected sketches on your photo. In the built-in editor, you can change the size or orientation of the picture, as well as remove part of the image, if necessary. And also there is the possibility of combining two images. This option is useful if you want to make one tattoo from two sketches.

Available for Android and iPhone .

Tattoo johnny


Tattoo Johnny contains a huge database of tattoos with over 100,000 designs. They are all grouped into categories: animals, astronomy, mythology, religion and many others.

After you find an image that you like, you can either download it to your computer and print it on a printer, or, alternatively, download it to your smartphone to show it to your tattoo artist.

Unfortunately, all sketches are paid, but they cost relatively little. Most options cost no more than $ 10-20. If a tattoo is applied for life, then how can a couple of tens of dollars be considered a high price?



The tattoo does not have to be done permanently. If you don't like the idea that it will show off on your skin for the rest of your life, the solution can be found in the online temporary tattoo shop Tatty . And you don't have to order something, but you can just find a good drawing as an idea.

They have a large base of sketches at a low price. In the United States, one tattoo costs $ 2.50, outside the United States - $ 6. Free shipping applies on orders over $ 45. Temporary tattoos are very easy to apply and remove. This can be done at least a couple of days after application.

Sketches are done by professional artists who receive a percentage of every sale. For prints, plant-based paints are used, which means that the temporary tattoo is non-toxic and completely safe. And if you already have a ready-made design, then you can order a temporary tattoo based on it.

by (3.5m points)

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