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We already know how important it is to save space in the field of office automation and it is that in  we already saw how to compress files online . Today, however, we are going to go one step further and learn to compress PNG or JPG images online without losing quality in Windows 10 and any device.

How to Reduce the Size of a JPG or PNG File?

Today we are going to talk about a way to reduce the size of a photo in Windows 10 without the need of any program to compress images , all online and for FREE , thanks to TinyPNG .

What is TinyPNG and what is it used for?

TinyPNG is a portal that allows us to compress photos online without losing quality very easily and for FREE .

TinyPNG The Best Way To Compress PNG And JPG Photos Online

The good thing about this website is that it will not only allow us to compress PNG photos online , we can also reduce the size of photos in JPG format , let's see how it works.

How to Compress a JPG or PNG File With TinyPNG?

The first thing we must do to compress PNG or JPG images is to enter TinyPNG .


Steps Compress PNG Images

To reduce the size of PNG photos we must click where it says Drop your PNG or JPG files here! .Start Compressing Photos.

We select the PNG photo that we want to compress online and without programs .We select the PNG image to compress.

As we can see, we have been able to reduce the size of a PNG image by 72% , before it weighed 604 KB and now it only weighs 171.6 KB . To download it we must press where it says «Download» .Reduce The Size Of A PNG Image.

Reduced PNG Image Example With TinyPNG

Here I leave you the result of compressing photos online without losing quality with TinyPNG .Compressed PNG Photo.

Steps to Compress JPG Images

To compress JPG photos,  we must click where it says Drop your PNG or JPG files here! .

We select the JPG photo that we want to reduce in Windows 10 without programs .JPG photo to compress.

In this case we have compressed our JPG photo by 10% without losing quality , specifically from 113KB to 102 KB , to download it to our PC we must click on “Download” , as indicated in the photo.Online Photo Compression.

Reduced JPG Image Example With TinyPNG

Here we have an example of how we have reduced a JPG image in Windows 10 without the need for programs or applications .Compression Of A JPG Photo Online Without Programs.

Compress Multiple Photos Online With TinyPNG

We will be able to compress several images at the same time with this compression tool , once we finish we can download all the photos compressed in a ZIP file from «Download All» .

If you still have any questions about how to compress PNG or JPG images on Windows, Mac or Android, don't hesitate to leave me a comment, I promise to answer. Please do not forget to share this article with your social networks, that helps me a lot… thank you!

in Applications by (2k points) | 82 views

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