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How to make money with Instagram Reels

in Internet by (552k points)
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1 Most Profitable Instagram Reels Themes
2 Who can make money with Instagram Reels?
3 How to make money with Instagram Reels
4 Requirements to monetize Instagram Reels
5 How to put paid collaboration on Instagram

If Instagram Reels provide us with anything, it is a tool through which we can promote our company and products at a very low cost, and thus earn customers and money by this means..


Instagram and more specifically, its Reels section, is a tool thanks to which we can display any product and demonstrate it in a short, attractive and impressive way for the viewer. And in this way we can win customers interested in our products and therefore close sales. There are many methods to earn money with Reels, and then in this section we are going to delve into the following points related to this:

  • Most profitable Instagram Reels themes.
  • Who can make money with Instagram Reels?
  • How to make money with Instagram Reels?
  • How to earn money with Instagram Reels collaborating with brands.
  • How to earn money with Reels with live video badges.
  • How to make money with Reels with sales.
  • How to make money with Reels with bonuses.
  • How to make money with Reels with subscriptions
  • Requirements to monetize Instagram Reels
  • How to Add Paid Collaboration Tag on Instagram Reels


1 Most Profitable Instagram Reels Themes

When our objective is to earn money, in any way, knowing the most profitable themes will help us to make this happen faster; since if we are within these most popular niches we will have much better results in a shorter period of time.


Speaking of Instagram Reels, there are themes that are remarkable and that users prefer over others; and in this case, knowing which are the most profitable niches is a good knowledge base from which to start. Below we show you which are the most profitable topics within Instagram and therefore it is worth creating content related to them in Reels when our goal is to earn money through the Instagram application.





It is normal that the appearance and how we see ourselves in front of others is one of the preferred topics by users, and more so within a social network like Instagram in which the most important thing is the visual aspect..


For this reason, it is not surprising that fashion is one of the topics that obtains the most user retention. Instagram serves people as inspiration when creating their looks, and for this reason it will always be one of the favorite niches of users.





Along with fashion, it is one of the niches that also has more presence on Instagram, and as we have already mentioned before, in a social network in which the visual prevails over any content, it is normal that beauty is given great importance. ..


That is why the profiles related to this topic have a privileged position within Instagram, publishing all kinds of content that is consumed by millions of people in the world.





This is one of the niches that also gives more profitability within the Instagram social network, and the positive point is that it adapts to many different options regarding lifestyle.


Whether you are a housewife, an artist, a craftsman or a nurse, reproducing and teaching your daily life can be included in this niche, which is one of the most profitable on Instagram, since there will be other people who feel identified with you and therefore want to consume your content.


This is the reason why this niche, in addition to being one of the most profitable, is one of the most versatile, since it adapts to almost all imaginable themes. For this reason, it seems that creating content related to lifestyle will be one of the topics that we can make the most of using Instagram Reels.





This is also one of the most profitable niches within Instagram for 2 reasons: People who have pets will want to follow you or there will even be people who do not have them at home but who like to see your animal's day-to-day life.


For this reason, this theme is one of the friendliest and it will not be difficult for you to publish content of this type following in the footsteps of your favorite animal. Simply including photos of your pet on your profile can appeal to this niche of people, or you can go further and create a unique Instagram dedicated to your pet's day-to-day. Pets with special characteristics are more striking and therefore we will be able to attract a greater number of Instagram users to the profile.





Cooking is one of the topics that encompasses the interest of many users, since eating is a physiological need and most people like to eat and try new flavors.


For this reason, if you work in the kitchen professionally or simply like to cook, this may be your area when creating content within Instagram. You will not only be able to share recipes, but also techniques, tricks, recommend kitchen utensils or appliances, make menus and a long list of other possibilities. If you have a restaurant, you will also be advertising your business or your premises for free.


Sport and health



This is one of the niches that arouses a lot of interest among users, because people are increasingly interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For this reason, this can be your niche if you simply do an activity or sport (either in the gym or outdoors) or if you dedicate yourself professionally to this because you are an athlete or personal trainer.


Giving examples of exercises and routines, tricks, showing results... the content that we can publish related to this topic is countless, as is the number of people interested in it. For this reason, if you feel identified with this niche, it seems like a great idea to start publishing about it.






Related to the previous topic, weight loss is another of the niches that arouses the most interest due to the importance that people give to body image and also the relationship that this has with feeling well and healthy.


As we already know, there are no miracles in this topic, but there are profiles where they can give us guidelines and advice on exercises and nutrition in addition to showing us the results, for this reason it is another of the most relevant and lucrative niches.





Parenting is one of the topics that arouses the most interest and doubts in people, and therefore there are many sources of information that people turn to in order to address this stage.


For this reason, if you have a baby, it seems like a great idea to publish content related to your day-to-day life, with tips and tricks for other people. Also in comments or through direct other mothers and fathers will interact with you.





There are a large number of people interested in the topic of earning extra income or creating their own company, and for this reason, business and money is another niche that receives more attention within the Instagram social network.


For this reason, if you have created or are going to create your own company or know an innovative way to earn money and want to share your knowledge and experiences with other users, this is your niche without a doubt.





One of people's favorite hobbies is traveling, for this reason the accounts that show us other places and give us tips and tricks for traveling are also very popular within the Instagram social network.


In addition to seeing the most important places in other countries, the people in these accounts are looking for experience, cheap ways to travel, aspects that you should know before traveling to a country, etc. For this reason, if you like to travel and you travel, this is your niche and you should exploit it.





Humor is a very important part of our lives, and this is also reflected in the content on Instagram. Many times, people do not seek knowledge, but simply escape and have an entertaining and fun time, and the same thing happens within the Instagram social network.


For this reason, this type of content, in addition to being very popular and consumed, is one of the most commented and shared within the social network. If you are a witty and fun person, without a doubt, this will be your niche within Instagram.


Digital marketing



What better way than to use a social network to talk and give valuable information about digital marketing. We know that it is a fairly broad topic but that it is also of interest to a large number of people who use social networks.


For this reason, making valuable content and helping people with problems or doubts related to this area is a great idea when you control this content, and Instagram seems to be one of the best platforms to publish and reach users interested in this.


technology and games



And although games are one of the topics that is encompassed within technology, it also deserves mention because it is one of the most profitable niches within the Instagram social network.


When we talk about technology, we are talking about practically all the devices we use, programs we use, applications, cryptocurrencies and countless other aspects that are very present in our day to day. Within technology, games are one of the most popular niches, and this can range from tricks to play, tutorials, configurations, and a long list of other possibilities.


For this reason, if this topic is of interest to you and you control it, do not hesitate to publish related content on Instagram since it is one of the niches that receive the most interest from users.


Now that you know the most profitable niches or themes within Instagram, it's time to select yours (or yours) with the one you most identify with and the one you can get the most out of. If your niche is not among these, do not worry, since there will be a way to relate it in some way to one of the topics that we have exposed to you.


2 Who can make money with Instagram Reels?

Now that you know the themes and market niches that work best within Instagram and more specifically with Reels, we are going to explain the profiles of people who can earn money using this method.
It is true that making money with Reels is not something simple, but if you find the method you can not only achieve this but also grow more and more on Instagram. Next we will develop this topic more in depth.


Earn money with Instagram Reels being an Influencer and/or content creator
It is quite common for brands to look at influencers when promoting a product or brand, since they bring together many of the aspects that are needed to reach the public: A large number of followers within the social network, go to a specific niche and make content of one or several themes of what are called "most profitable" within Instagram.


For this reason, it does not seem unusual for a brand to look at this type of profile when seeing that its product fits with it: Brands of cosmetic products, sports, animal food, travel agencies... Depending on the type of product, the Brands will resort to one or another profiles of influencers that they think fit with their brand, and for this they will pay them a sum of money as long as they meet a series of requirements



Earn money with Instagram Reels as an entrepreneur who wants to sell their own products
When we have a start-up company or business (be it a physical or online business) we want to make it known to people, and in this sense Instagram and more specifically Reels give us a unique opportunity to do so.
We can use Reels to promote our company or product by making videos of many types:
  • Product tutorials
  • Presentation of our company
  • Before and after
  • Employee Interviews
  • Experiences of customers who have used our products


These are just a few examples, but there are hundreds of ways to promote our company or product through Reels to sell and earn money. Surely, depending on your commercial profile, you can think of attractive methods to reach more people and make yourself known.


3 How to make money with Instagram Reels


If you like social networks, you will know the number of people who use this as a showcase for products, both to show them off and to get inspiration and stay on top of trends. This makes it possible to earn money using Instagram Reels, but you have to know how to do it, the different methods and the content that Instagram does not monetize in addition to the rules that the social network establishes to monetize. At this point we will address general tips to start making money on Reels.


Show products related to your theme
In addition to the theme or niche that we have selected, in addition to showing related content, we can show products within the aforementioned theme.
That is, for example, if our niche or one of them is beauty, we can show products such as makeup, face care or hair, and a long etcetera of possibilities. You can make tutorials, demonstrations or before and after depending on the product in question, and thus get the attention of users.


Some ways to attract the attention of your audience are, in addition to showing the product in the aforementioned ways or offering your discount code for it or even doing raffles. By offering a discount we will be giving one more point of incitement to purchase it. By doing a giveaway we will be favoring interaction towards our Instagram profile as long as the requirements we ask for to participate are correct.


Show your product in an attractive way
If you have a product to sell (or you yourself are the product) you should worry about showing it to the people who are seeing your Reel in a detailed way and making it clear in a short time what it is about and why these people need this product in their life.
If you make an eye-catching Reel, regardless of what is shown on it, people are going to want to see the Reel through to the end. Although the first time this does not have an effect, as they see related content, the desire (and the need) to try the product will grow.


By this we mean that what is shown is as important as how it is shown, and you will have to take care of the form to reach a greater number of people and reach your final goal: That people need to try this product.


Target potential customers directly
If what Instagram shows is not enough due to algorithm problems and we do not reach all the potential customers that we would like, a very good idea seems to create a broadcast list or group in which to send the Reels in which we promote a producer that can be of interest to these people.


It is important not to Spam, since with this we will achieve just the opposite effect, and for this we recommend previously making a list with clients who have been interested in our products, have already bought some of our products or who are really interested in our content.


With these people we will create a group in which we will send the Reels that may interest them to ensure that the content we create reaches them directly and not leave this in the hands of the algorithm.
In this video we show you how to create the group to send the content through Instagram.


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Taking into account these tips that you can follow in a general way, now we are going to develop point by point the different ways that the Reels tool offers you to earn money through it, which we are going to explain below:


Remember that first of all, you have to create your Instagram account as a creator or as a company, and in these videos that we leave you below you have explained how to do it step by step:
  • Put company account on Instagram:

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  • Put creator account on Instagram:

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How to make money with Reels collaborating with brands



The Reels and the content you create in them is a reflection of who you are as a person and what you want to transmit through your account, and this can serve as a letter of introduction so that many brands or companies notice you to collaborate with you. . If you have a creator or company account, you can get collaborations with brands that contact you through your Instagram profile, but first you must fill in the brands with which you identify or with which you would like to collaborate in your profile.


Once you fill this out, brands will know the content you identify with and the type of content you would like to create. This way, brands can see your interests and know if you identify with their profile.


Once you have filled in your interests and the brands with which you identify and therefore would like to collaborate with them, you will be able to read the private messages of these brands in the “Requests” tab on Instagram. Through these messages, brands will be able to invite you to collaborative projects and you will be able to assess whether you are interested in this or not. Perhaps through this project, you will be invited to generate new content through Reels or even in publications, stories and direct on Instagram.


In the following official Instagram link you have all the information related to this explained in a more extensive way.




How to earn money with live video badges



Another possibility that Instagram offers you to earn money in Reels are the badges that people can buy while you make an Instagram direct. These badges would be a kind of recognition that people can give you for your work, and it would be a way to support the type of content you are doing within the Instagram social network.


When you use the Reels to show content that we make, we make ourselves known to the community, and through these live videos that we have mentioned, people can value your work and you can monetize it.


There are badges of different value: 0.99 dollars, 1.99 dollars and 4.99 dollars. Although it is not a direct way to earn money through Reels since these cannot be monetized in the same way, Reels can serve as a letter of introduction to your users to make your content known, and that they are hooked on your profile. .
If you want to know the information on how to activate the badges and their key points, in the following official Instagram link you have all the information.




How to make money with Reels with sales



Another way to earn money through Reels is by helping followers buy the products you showcase through Reels. You may wonder how this is done, but it is very simple if you have a creator or company account: You will be able to tag the products in your Reels so that people who see them can make purchases through them. If you need information about how products are tagged in Instagram Reels, here is all the information offered by the official Instagram page.


Some points to keep in mind to make this work before you start are as follows:

  • Communicate to your fans that they can be purchased through your Reels.
  • Maintain an attractive store profile.
  • Inform your fans of product launches and create expectations with countdowns.
  • Invite people to share the Reels in which you have tagged products to reach more users.
Now that you know this, first of all you have to create your store on Instagram, and for this there are also several points that you have to take into account. In this link you have all the information you need:




Now that you know all this, all that remains is to tag products on your Instagram Reels to start earning money, and in this official Instagram link we show you how step by step:




How to make money with Reels with bonuses



Before starting to explain this point, you should know what bonuses are and what they are for. Bonuses reward you for creating valuable and attractive content on Instagram, and allow you to earn money based on the number of views your Reels have. The more views, the more money you will earn.


There is a terminology regarding bonuses that you have to know to start using this feature:

  • Approximate bonus: This would be how much money you earn for a bonus.
  • Plays for the bonus: It would be the number of plays of Reels that are taken into account for a bonus.
  • Maximum bonus: It would be the maximum amount of bonus that you can get and according to the reproductions that your Reels obtained.
You should know that Instagram offers you more earnings at the beginning in order to boost your progress. When you have accumulated at least 100 dollars, you can start withdrawing money.

In order to get bonuses, your profile must meet certain requirements and you will also have to activate the bonuses in it, and in the following link you have all the information about the official Instagram page on how to do it.




How to make money with Reels with subscriptions



Instagram subscriptions are exclusive content within the application that people can only see if they pay a monthly fee established by you. Subscribers will receive a purple crown badge, which will appear next to their username, and for this you will be able to distinguish who are subscribers and who are not because you will be able to see it next to the comments or direct messages of this person.
Being subscribed to an Instagram profile offers you the following exclusive content:

  • Chats for subscribers.
  • Direct and exclusive stories for subscribers.
  • Home tab for subscribers, where they can see all the exclusive content dedicated to them.
  • Exclusive publications and Reels.
This is the point where we can earn money with the Reels through subscriptions, since the subscribed people will have access to these exclusive Reels in which you can show yourself without barriers and show unique content.


If you want all the information about subscriptions, click on the following official Instagram link where they tell you about them.




4 Requirements to monetize Instagram Reels

When it comes to monetizing the content we publish, of course Instagram has its own rules and establishes a series of requirements that people must meet in order to start earning money through Instagram.


Next we are going to expose the type of content that cannot be monetized on Instagram:


Prohibited formats
  • Static videos.
  • Surveys with static images.
  • Image presentations.
  • Videos that play in a loop.
  • Text montages.
  • embedded ads


Prohibited behaviors
  • Videos that directly encourage interaction.
  • Consume non-edible substances.
  • Use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
  • Nudity or content of a sexual nature


Prohibited Categories
  • Misleading medical information.
  • non-original content
  • wrong information


Restricted Categories
  • Topics subject to debate: race, nationality...
  • Tragedy or conflict: Death, illness, physical abuse…
  • Questionable activity: Substance abuse, threats, theft…
  • Sexual activity: Nudity, sexual positions…
  • Offensive language: Insults, foul language…
  • Explicit content: Wounds, infections...


If you want to know the type of content that cannot be monetized on Instagram in detail, consult the following official Instagram link:




On the other hand, in addition to the type of content, there are other monetization policies for partners that you have to take into account if you want to earn money on Instagram, and they are the following:

Policies for partners to monetize Instagram Reels
  • Reside in a supported country
  • Comply with community standards.
  • Comply with content monetization policies.
  • Share correct information.
  • Monetize authentic interactions.
  • Develop a consolidated presence.
  • Comply with the payment conditions.
  • Avoid systemic violations.
  • Comply with Instagram rules for politicians and governments


If you want all the information about it, in the following link you will find it developed.




5 How to put paid collaboration on Instagram

Instagram has become one of the biggest showcases to display products and services, and brands are already taking into account the great gold mine that this represents.


As in publications, stories or even direct on Instagram, the Reels are a space in which, with the help of a popular person, we can put our products in the spotlight to make them known to the world.


Why is it necessary to add the paid collaboration tag in this type of content on Instagram?

When we do a paid collaboration, Instagram emphasizes the importance of being totally transparent with the type of content that we show or advertise. For this reason, there is a need to add the "Paid collaboration" label when we are obtaining an economic benefit in exchange for giving visibility to a brand, a product or a company within the social network.


The purpose of this is for users to know that in order to promote a product, service or company, the person who does it is obtaining an economic benefit, and therefore that it is an advertisement.


Now, we are going to explain how to put the paid collaboration tag on Instagram Reels step by step and in the form of text and video:


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Step 1

On your Instagram profile, tap on the “+” icon in the top right corner.




Step 2

Select “Reels”.




Step 3

Now, on the left side of the screen you will find the following options to add:
  • Music
  • effects
  • Speed
  • Collage
  • timer
  • To line up
How these options are used is explained in detail in other chapters during this Instagram Reels course.


Use the central button to record the different Reel clips and once done, click on “Next”.




Step 4

Now, at the top, you can add:
  • Text
  • music and audio
  • stickers
  • Draw
  • effects
Once you have added what you want, press “Next”:





step 5

Now, on the last screen, before “Sharing”, select “Advanced settings”.




Step 6

The “Add Paid Collaboration Tag” tab must be active.


At the bottom you will find the option "Add brand partners". Here you will be able to submit requests to be a brand partner which, if accepted, will appear in the paid partnership tag on your Reel.





Step 7

Once this is done, press “Share” and you will have already added the paid collaboration tag to your Instagram Reel.




With this information you already know how you can start earning money with Instagram Reels, which are the best themes, which people can earn money and the different ways to do it.


In addition, you already know the type of content that Instagram penalizes and does not monetize, and how to add the paid collaboration tag if you manage to agree on one on the social network. Now all you have to do is put this knowledge into practice and start making money on Instagram.

by (3.5m points)

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