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How to see statistics of the Reels. Best days and times to post on Instagram Reels

in Internet by (552k points)
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1. How to view Reel stats
2. How to see the statistics of a Reels on Instagram
3 Best Days and Times to Post on Instagram Reels
4 Limits that you should not exceed in Instagram Reels

In this section of the course we are going to delve into the section on the statistics of Instagram Reels. It is clear that when we make a publication in Reels we do it to achieve a goal, and at this point is where statistics play a key role..


The analysis of the results gives us valuable information about what points we are doing well and what points we can improve in any area, and as expected, it could not be less in Instagram Reels. For this reason, knowing how statistics work and analyzing the data that we are obtaining will be key to being able to improve in the future.


What is statistics and what is it for?
Statistics consists of procedures, methods and formulas that allow us to extract results and conclusions so that we can later analyze them. Thanks to it we can improve the understanding of the facts using the analysis of the information and data that we have as a means.


We could summarize it as the study of specific data through which we can obtain more data and conclusions..


The analysis of the data through statistics helps us to:

  • Describe the data.
  • Know the data.
  • Know the relationship between data.
  • Draw conclusions through this data analysis.


Knowing how to see the statistics of the Reels that we publish will help us to make a critical analysis of the type of content that we are making, assess what type of content gives us better results than others and what variables are involved in each result. For this reason it is important to know how to see the statistics of the Reels and in this section we will delve into the following points:

  • How to see the statistics of the Reels.
  • How to see the statistics of a Reels on Instagram.
  • Best days and times to post on Instagram Reels.
  • Limits that you should not exceed in Instagram Reels


1. How to view Reel stats

Instagram allows us to analyze the data of all the content that we upload to the platform through the statistics section. In this sense, applied to the Reels, thanks to this section we will be able to visualize in a very graphic way what kind of results we are obtaining in the different contents that we are uploading and how one and the other variables influence.


For this reason we are going to explain how to see the statistics of the Reels and the different aspects that are shown to us at this point.


To be able to see the statistics of the Rees and of any type of content that you upload to Instagram, you must have a creator or company account within the social network.
In the following videos we explain the step by step to have a creator or company account within the Instagram social network:
  • How to have a creator account on Instagram.


To stay up to date, remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel!   SUBSCRIBE

  • How to have a business account on Instagram


To stay up to date, remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel!   SUBSCRIBE



Once we have a personal account or a company account, we will be able to review the statistics of the Reels that we have uploaded, as follows:


Step 1

From your Instagram profile, click on the "Panel for professionals" option that you will find at the top or header.




Step 2

At the top, where it says “Account Insights” click on “See all”.




Step 3

Now at the bottom, in the “Content you have shared” section, select “Reels”.




Step 4

Select the option on the left.




Here, in the dropdown, you can filter the content of the Reels with these metrics:


People who have commented on the Reel.





I like it
People who have liked the Reel.




Times it has been saved
People who have saved the Reel to view it again at some point.




It is a metric that shows the number of people who have seen the Reel.





Number of times the Reel started playing.





Interactions with the Reel
Number of times that people have made any type of interaction with the Reel.





step 5

These metrics can be observed by time period. If we click on the option on the right you will be able to view the metrics in the following time periods:
  • Last 7 days.
  • Last 30 days.
  • Last 3 months.
  • Last 6 months.
  • Last year.
  • Last 2 years.




These metrics that we discussed can give you valuable information when creating new content, since you will be able to see the content with which people interact the most, the one that saves the most, the one that is played the most...
This will help you to make your future Reels if they are created taking into account these metrics have a greater reach and reach a greater number of users..


2. How to see the statistics of a Reels on Instagram

In addition to seeing the statistics in this way, from the Instagram Reels section it allows us to know the statistics and specific data of a Reel in our profile. With this we will be able to analyze the metrics for this Reel and thus collect all the information and route of it to know if the formula of this Reel works and we must repeat it in Reels.


Next, we are going to explain how to see the statistics of a specific Reels in the form of text and video:


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Step 1

The first thing we will do is click on the Reels tab, and here we will see our published Reels. Now we will have to click on the Reel that we want to see the statistics.




Step 2

Now, inside the Reel, click on the icon of 3 horizontal points that we will find among the options on the right of the screen.




Step 3

In the drop-down options, we select "See insights".




Step 4

At the top of the Reel, we will see the hashtags that the Reel collects, the audio we use, the date it was published and the duration of it. Below we will see the following statistics in the icons in an orderly manner:
  • Reproductions.
  • I like it.
  • Comments.
  • Times it has been shared by direct message.
  • Saved.




  • Scope.
At this point the number of people or unique accounts that have seen your content is displayed. It differs from impressions in that impressions would be the total number of times the people you've reached have viewed your content.







  • Interactions
At this point, the number of interactions your Reels has had is counted, resulting from the sum of: Likes, comments, times it has been saved and times it has been shared through direct message.
This more specific information is displayed at the bottom of the screen.







Due to new privacy regulations in Europe and Japan some metrics are not available. You have all the information about it in the following official Facebook link:




3 Best Days and Times to Post on Instagram Reels



Next, we're going to dive deeper into what the best days and times to post Instagram Reels look like. As you may have already suspected, this data may vary depending on who we are, what our brand is and the type of audience we are targeting, but there are some basic guidelines about the best days and times to post Instagram Reels that you should know.


As you well know, if your goal is to reach many more people within the social network, publishing Reels compared to any other type of content seems like a very good decision, because Instagram rewards the creation of these by showing them to more people for the simple fact of being Reels, and with this we will achieve greater user interaction compared to other types of content within the social network.


Data reveals that Reels get 300% more interaction compared to other types of content (posts, stories, etc.) within the Instagram social network.


Next, we are going to explain the best times to post on Reels according to the day of the week, although as we have already told you, these are general lines and may vary depending on your type of content and audience within the social network:


Monday to Thursday
These would be the best days to post on Instagram Reels, and more specifically in the morning hours, between 9:00 and 12:00.


Posts from Friday to Sunday
These would not be such good days to post, but you can also do it by taking into account what are the best times to post:
  • Friday: The best time to post is 2:00 p.m., although interactions are persistent throughout the morning.
  • Saturday: Unlike Friday, the best time to post on Saturday would be at 9:00, we think that since it is a leisure day, it will be the time that people are paying attention to their phones before starting the day. .
  • Sunday: Finally, the best time to post on a Sunday would be 7:00 p.m., although engagement on Sunday is fairly consistent in the afternoon and early evening.


As we have already said, this data is of a general nature and may or may not be fully adapted to your publication results on Reels. Knowing the statistics will help you know how to analyze the results and also obtain valuable information of this type, such as what are the best times to publish your Reels on Instagram.


Here are some tips for finding your best days and times to post on Instagram Reels.


Pay attention to the Reels that have had the most success
Now that you know how to see the statistics of the Reels, it is time for you to pay attention to the ones that have been most successful in front of your audience. Everything will depend on what you are looking for with your Reels: Reach, views, interactions...


Keep this metric in mind and look at the stats for your best performing Reels. Now, thanks to the “Insights” tool, you can check what day they were published. Thanks to this you will get this information for your future publications.


Post over time
It should be noted that when users get used to seeing your content within a social network, it is when they take a liking to it for being familiar to them and are encouraged to interact with it. For this reason, posting single Reels at the recommended times is not enough, and you must be consistent when posting your Reels. It is recommended to make between 3 and 4 weekly publications, which you can adapt to the days and times in which you get the best results.


Pay attention to what time Reels publish profiles with content similar to yours
This will also be key, since depending on the audience we are targeting, related or similar accounts to ours may be making similar calculations.


For this reason, it will not hurt to take into account what days and at what times these accounts publish their Reels and imitate them to see if we get better or worse results than with other publication times.


You should know that many profiles post on the hour, and by posting a few minutes before or a few minutes after your Reels hour you will avoid this competition.


Take into account the time slot in which your audience is
If your audience is global, it is not the same as if it is mostly from your country of origin, and this will also be a super important fact when publishing your Reels on Instagram.


If the schedules are adjusted to your country of origin, use the best days and times that we have explained previously, but if you have an audience spread all over the world, it is not a bad idea to establish a schedule in the early morning (2:00 or 3:00 AM) to make your posts.


Check the statistics of your Reels periodically
This is perhaps the most important advice since we have been explaining why throughout the entire section of the course. Reviewing the statistics and results we get can give us valuable information about how to post or what content to post in the future, and we can only obtain this information if we are aware of and review these statistics in our Instagram Reels.


4 Limits that you should not exceed in Instagram Reels

On the other hand, within Instagram there are some limits of interactions that you should not exceed. Although we all know that interactions have a positive component, when interactions that Instagram considers to be correct are exceeded, we will be penalized by the social network. For this reason it is important to know the limits that Instagram establishes and that we must not exceed if we do not want to be banned.





Instagram states that an account can give a maximum of 100 likes per hour. This would set 2400 daily likes for one account.





Instagram allows an account to make a maximum of 60 comments per hour, that is, 1,440 per day.





Instagram allows you to put a maximum of 30 hashtags in a Reel that we publish.


Characters in the description of a Reel



Maximum 2200 characters


Other Instagram limits that may interest you
  • Follow limit: You can follow 200 accounts per hour, about 4800 daily.
  • Unfollow limit: It is the same limit as in the case of follows: 200 per hour and 4,800 daily accounts.
  • Following: You can follow up to 7,500 accounts in total.
  • Characters in username: 29 characters.
  • Characters in the Biography: Maximum 150 characters.
  • Minimum age to use Instagram: 14 years old.
  • You can't post photos or videos that you don't have the right to share.
  • The sale of products such as alcohol and tobacco is not allowed.
  • It is not allowed to buy, sell or transfer a user account.
  • Posting someone else's private content is not allowed
  • Impersonation of another person is not allowed.
  • You cannot ask for or save the passwords of other users.


These are the limits that Instagram establishes and that directly affect the Reels, therefore you must comply with them to avoid being penalized. Normally the ban or penalty on Instagram is resolved in less than a week.


With this you already know how to see the statistics in Reels and you can start taking advantage of this tool that extracts the most important data and that we can use in our favor to obtain better results in the publication of our next Reels.


In addition, we have explained the best days and times to publish Reel and we have given you the keys to adapt it to your account and know which are the best days and times for your specific content. With all this, you can start taking full advantage of this Instagram Reels feature.

by (3.5m points)

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