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Update Failed Emergency Recovery Guide (Samsung Galaxy)

in Cell Phones by (552k points)
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Software Emergency Recovery
Emergency recovery of software from another computer (recovery code)
Troubleshooting device recognition error (reinstall device driver)
Can't get your cell phone back yet?


Updating a cell phone is a process that carries some risk. It's not just that the update process isn't interrupted for whatever reason (which can leave Android software corrupted), but that the manufacturer didn't send you a faulty update on purpose (yes, this is real). In any case, perhaps the best way is to update the phone using the manufacturer's desktop client . Assuming that despite doing so, the phone no longer starts normally after trying the update, Samsung provides a guide to try to do an emergency recovery of the software..

image image

This guide can be found in the Smart Switch program itself, but if you can't find it, then I'll put the screenshots taken from there. As you can see above, you can access the Emergency Recovery option of your Samsung Galaxy from the Smart Switch program, Recovery option and initialization of the emergency software. Obviously, you are going to need this program to do the recovery, which you can download for free from its official website .

Software Emergency Recovery


This emergency recovery basically consists of turning off the damaged cell phone and then starting it in recovery mode (usually, with the computer turned off, hold down the power button and volume up, and release both when the power logo appears). In this mode, you have to connect the cell phone to the PC with the Smart Switch program to try to start the recovery process. 

Emergency recovery of software from another computer (recovery code)


Apparently, this option allows you to migrate the emergency recovery process from one PC to another. If for some reason you cannot do the recovery on the PC where the cell phone was damaged, you can copy the recovery code generated on that PC, open Smart Switch on another PC and insert the mentioned code there so that the program knows how to complete the process. of recovery. 

Troubleshooting device recognition error (reinstall device driver)


Although you could manually reinstall your cell phone driver on PC , Smart Switch also offers an option for you to do it from within this program. This may be necessary in case the PC does not recognize your phone when you try to perform the emergency recovery. 

Can't get your cell phone back yet?

Another way, perhaps the most effective way to try to recover the software of your Samsung Galaxy, is to use Odin. This is a separate chapter obviously, but in summary, what you have to do is download the Android software that corresponds to your Galaxy model from the Sammobile page . Once you have that, it's just a matter of loading this software in the Odin program so that it does the flashing. You don't want to do this without being well documented because it could render your computer useless so proceed with caution..

3 solutions after a faulty Android update

How to update your Samsung Galaxy cell phone with Smart Switch

These are the Samsung Galaxy devices that are updated the most

by (3.5m points)

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