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How to get genuine art in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

in Guides by (552k points)
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Find Redd to get art in Animal Crossing New Horizons
How to buy a work of art in Animal Crossing
Donate Art to the ACNH Museum
How to detect fakes?

In order to get genuine art in Animal Crossing New Horizons , one of the best Nintendo Switch games, we will have to find Redd and buy a work of art from him. Taking into account that Red visits the island from time to time, we will have to acquire one at a time. We must know where to find it, negotiate a fair price and donate the work to the Museum..

As for the works of art that we will find in the game, they are copies of paintings, sculptures and other works that we will find in real life. So, as you might imagine, it has great value in general terms.

Find Redd to get art in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Redd is an art dealer, he was not part of the game at first. Although as of the 1.2 ACNH update that was released in April 2020. In order to acquire art and start a gallery we will have to buy works of art from Redd. Considering that he travels a lot and appears occasionally, finding him is not an easy task..

Although something we should consider is that Redd will visit our island on specific days to sell art. So, during these days, the ideal would be that we do not let it pass. We must also consider that it is possible to buy one work of art at a time; This means that, if we lose it, we will have to wait two weeks for it to return.

The first thing we will have to keep in mind is to listen to Isabell, our secretary. Isabelle will describe Redd as a suspicious character..

Another thing we must do is consult the map. This is thanks to the fact that it is prepared to appear in a random place on the island; There is no designated place and time for your arrival.

It may happen that Isabelle does not notify us of her arrival, so we will have to check the map to verify if the ship appears on the north coast. We can find Redd among sellers like him, like Reif.

How to buy a work of art in Animal Crossing

When we find Redd he will introduce himself, but remember that he is a salesman, so he wants to quickly go to what concerns him. The first work of art will be sold for 4980 bells, here we will not be able to negotiate so we have no choice.

Something we must consider is that Redd is not our friend, nor our enemy, and yes, most of the works of art he sells are fake. We should not trust him.

Donate Art to the ACNH Museum

Just because we managed to acquire art does not mean that we are collectors, then we will have to donate it to the Museum. Redd's arrival means that other players will do the same, buy pieces of art. Therefore, we must donate ours, but the Museum has to expand its size.

How to detect fakes?

Obviously, when we walk into the store we see lots of interesting and shiny things, many that we love, and it would be easy to be tempted to buy any of these without thinking twice. The problem is that many works can be fake.

But the first thing will be to look for the original version of the specific art. This way, we can compare Redd's version with the original verified version that someone bought, although it is somewhat complicated.

If we are too detailed, we will quickly notice the difference in some aspects, such as eye color, clothing, hairstyles, etc.

by (3.5m points)

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