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Things that slow down Wi-Fi and how to fix them

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Things that slow down your Wi-Fi connection and how to fix them
Old routers
Bad router location
Many devices on underpowered hardware slow down Wi-Fi
Old hardware and cables impact speed
Channel congestion
Beware of Wi-Fi extenders. They slow down everything!

Nowadays we all have a wireless connection at home, we cannot deny the enormous convenience generated by the simple fact of not having to depend on cables and being able to use our devices wherever we want. However, there are several things that slow down Wi-Fi and luckily, in this article we will see what those things are and how to fix them ..

Things that slow down your Wi-Fi connection and how to fix them

Old routers

Obviously, the last thing we want is to spend money on a new router. But we must consider that replacing hardware is something that we have to do from time to time. Especially if it is a fundamental piece like the Wi-Fi router, after all, all our devices are connected to it and whether we have internet depends on it.

So if we are using an old router, it is highly recommended to purchase a new one. Additionally, if we have changed plans on some occasion, we must consider that, if that plan is “bigger” than the one we had, perhaps the old router cannot take advantage of it 100%, which means that we would be using our connection to socks..

We must also consider that if we have new hardware at home (televisions, consoles, mobile devices) it is much more complicated to pair it with old hardware that has outdated software, which will hinder performance.

Bad router location

Ironically, the worst thing would not be that we have an old router. A bad location of the Wi-Fi router can significantly ruin the overall connection and slow it down too much..

For example, if we need good lighting to work in the office, we are not going to put said light in the corner, right? The same thing happens with the router.

The Wi-Fi connection must be installed where we use most devices. Additionally, we recommend that it be located in the center of the home so that you are able to reach all rooms without problems.

Likewise, we must consider the fact that the more objects we have between the router and the device that connects to it, the less Wi-Fi signal we will be able to take advantage of.

Many devices on underpowered hardware slow down Wi-Fi

The fact of having newer hardware is not only that we take full advantage of the speed that our ISP provides us. If not, in each generation of routers we find a general increase in power and number of devices that can be managed at the same time.

So, if we are going to connect a good number of devices to the router, we recommend checking if our hardware is really capable of supporting it.

There are many devices that maintain applications in the background that consume bandwidth. Therefore, even when not in use, they can contribute to bandwidth overhead.

For example, cloud-based security cameras consume a significant amount of bandwidth, just as other devices do. It is truly incredible how many “bandwidth vampires” we can have at home.

So, if we end up adding computers, mobile phones, consoles, televisions, streaming devices, various home accessories, etc. We find that we are consuming an excessive amount of bandwidth.

So it wouldn't be a bad idea to remove some devices from the Wi-Fi network and by this we don't mean using the TV without internet. But those devices that can be used with an Ethernet cable should be used without wireless connections.

Old hardware and cables impact speed

While the Wi-Fi router and the devices we keep connected to it are a fundamental part of this performance puzzle. We also shouldn't leave out the simple physical bits that tie the network together.

If we have outdated Cat5 cables or an outdated 10/100 network switch mixed in with the network hardware, we are limiting network speeds.

For those with bandwidth below 100 Mbps, you may never realize that the old switch is ruining performance. However, for those who have higher bandwidth, with such cables and older hardware, you will notice that its final speed will, let's say, be pitiful.

To avoid this situation, we will have to check that the physical network cables that connect the different components of the network are, even if they are Cat5E, we highly recommend Cat6. If we are using network switches, it is important to upgrade them from 10/100 switches to gigabit switches.

Channel congestion

Wi-Fi channel congestion begins when multiple wireless devices use the same frequency or channel in the same airspace, slowing down the connection.

For example, if our neighbor has a Wi-Fi router configured similarly to ours and we live too close for our router to transmit to their space and vice versa, then it will negatively affect our network.

Generally, it is a problem faced by devices in the 2.4Ghz band, rather than the 5Ghz. Although we will have to pay close attention to it, especially if we live in apartments. It is important that we know how to identify which channels are the most congested and consult the router's documentation to switch to channels that are not so congested.

Beware of Wi-Fi extenders. They slow down everything!

We cannot deny that a Wi-Fi extender is an extremely practical solution for when we need the wireless connection to reach an area of ​​the home that is far from the router. However, what we must consider is the loss of internet speed.

When it comes to network performance, they are not exactly the best option. They can considerably extend the reach of the network when implemented correctly, although it can also cause a lot of network congestion, latency and lower speeds.

To verify this, we will have to disconnect the extender and connect the device that is causing problems directly to the Wi-Fi router. If the speed improves, then we are already clear what the problem is.

It may be that the extender is incorrectly configured and implemented. So it would be advisable to check the manual that comes with the hardware to perform a proper installation.

by (3.5m points)

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