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It was not possible to load the lyrics of this song on Spotify

in Applications Applications by (552k points)
reopened | 165 views

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The error: it was not possible to load the lyrics of this song on Spotify can be due to several causes, such as a failure in the app, non-availability of the lyrics of the song or you simply do not have a Spotify Premium account..

The easiest thing to do when the message that it was not possible to load the lyrics of the song on Spotify appears is to close the application and reopen it. You can do this by pressing the multitasking button and removing Spotify from there or by force closing the application . This is what I've done when song lyrics used to appear and suddenly didn't. And this fix also works if you do it on the PC version of Spotify.

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The second reason why a song's lyrics do not appear on Spotify is not necessarily due to an error or failure in loading the lyrics. Probably Spotify has lost the rights to show the lyrics of that song or the lyrics of that song simply do not exist, perhaps because it is a new song (on the PC the microphone icon, which is used to show the lyrics, does not even appear). Keep in mind that the song lyrics on Spotify are provided by MusixMatch , so it is not an exclusive issue for Spotify..

The last reason why Spotify is not able to load the lyrics of the song is because you may not have a Premium account. Before, viewing song lyrics was free on Spotify, meaning you did not need to subscribe to the paid version. However, recently the company has limited access to song lyrics and the app already warns you about this. If you've already exceeded your monthly lyric limit (which is unknown or how it's counted), then you won't be able to continue viewing song lyrics until next month.

Another problem with this new lyric limit for free users is that some Spotify clients are not updated to support this recent change (despite having the latest version of the software). In other words, you will get the error it was not possible to load the lyrics for this song in all songs and you will not be able to see any lyrics at all. You will not even have the Letter Limit notice, something that can generate helplessness in users who are not aware of this novelty. It has happened to me on the Windows version of Spotify and an old version of Spotify for Android. And since the lyrics are apparently a network feature, they won't be visible in unofficial Spotify clients either..

Alternatively you can switch to YouTube Music. The lyrics are not synced, but they are not limited like on Spotify. To transfer your Spotify playlists to YouTube Music you can use a service like tunemymusic.com .

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