+5 votes
How to allocate more RAM to Minecraft 2020

in Other Applications by (552k points)
reopened | 1k views

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

1. View RAM memory available in Windows 10
2. Assign RAM using Java in Windows 10
3. Allocate RAM using advanced system settings in Windows 10
4. Allocate RAM using Minecraft Launcher in Windows 10

We are in a world where technology every day takes a more important place in people's lives without mentioning all the impact it has on a special population such as teenagers and young people. Here there is a special segment, videogames , whether live, local, etc., because they have a very popular boom that every day requires more and more technical specifications of the equipment on which these games are installed.

In fact, we can see even global championships where you can win a lot of money. Inside, a game that stands out is Minecraft which is a construction game based on the open world style, there it will be possible to create and destroy various types of blocks, all this is achieved using a character which is in a three-dimensional environment to carry out everything that our mind guides us.

Minecraft Compatibility

Minecraft is a game that is available for platforms such as:

  • Play Station
  • XBOX
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows 10

Minecraft minimum requirements

Within the minimum requirements for Minecraft to be installed we have:

  • CPU: Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 (K8) 2.6 GHz
  • RAM: 2GB minimum and 4GB recommended
  • GPU (Integrated): Intel HD Graphics or AMD Radeon HD with OpenGL 2.1
  • Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT or AMD Radeon HD 2400 with OpenGL 3.1
  • Hard disk: Minimum 200 MB free, but 1 GB recommended
  • Java: Java 6 Release 45 and recommended Java 7

On this aspect TechnoWikis wants to talk today and it is the way you can allocate more RAM to your Minecraft game with the aim of making it much more versatile and its performance surprises us, remember that RAM plays a key role in the way applications perform in a system.

This process will be done in Windows 10 but it is the basis for you to apply it on other systems and you can enjoy Minecraft without pixels and without freezing, when your memory is not high enough for Minecraft you can find a scenario like this:


This is undoubtedly annoying since being a 3D game we wish the best of the best to feel at ease, follow the advice that we will give you below and so you will enjoy a much more complete game.
Let's see the process to grant more RAM for Minecraft.

1. View RAM memory available in Windows 10

The first step we must take is knowing with certainty how much physical RAM our computer has.

For this we go to the next menu and in the section "Device specifications" we find the line "RAM installed". There we determine the total available RAM.

For the correct operation of Minecraft, half of the available RAM must be available, in our case it would be 8 GB.

  • Start
  • Configuration
  • System
  • About


2. Assign RAM using Java in Windows 10

Step 1

Minecraft has a Java-based edition, so the first option to use will be editing these variables, for this we go to the Control Panel and in the "View by" field we select one of the following options:

  • Small icons
  • Big icons


Step 2

There we find the option "Java (32 bits)", in case it is not visible, you must download Java in the following link:


Step 3

We click on Java (32 bits) and the Java Control Panel will open, there we will go to the Java tab where we will see the following:


Step 4

We click on "View" and the following will be displayed:


Step 5

There we find a column called "Runtime Parameters" in which the memory can be allocated to Java, the options available based on the amount of RAM to be used are:

  • -Xmx2048m: 2 GB
  • -Xmx4096m: 4 GB
  • -Xmx6144m: 6 GB
  • -Xmx8148m: 8 GB
  • -Xmx10240m: 10 GB

Step 6

There we double click on this field and paste the correct parameter based on the RAM to be used, in this case we will enter the value -Xmx8148m. Click on OK and in the next window click on Apply / Accept to exit the Java Control Panel.


Step 7

We close the Control Panel and access Minecraft and proceed to play to validate if the performance is adequate: image

3. Allocate RAM using advanced system settings in Windows 10

In case the game still does not show improvement, another option available to allocate more RAM to Minecraft is through the advanced system settings.

Step 1

To do this we will go to the following route:

  • Control Panel
  • Security system
  • System


Step 2

There we click on the "Advanced system configuration" line located on the left side and the following window will be displayed:


Step 3

There we click on the line "Environment variables" and the following will be displayed:


Step 4

There we will create a new variable called _JAVA_OPTIONS, for this we click on the "New" button and add this name in the "Variable Name" field and in the "Variable Value" field we can use any of the options that you We have indicated based on the available RAM:


Step 5

Click on OK and we will see that the variable is integrated:


Step 6

We repeat this same process in the "System variables" section. We click on Accept and in the advanced options window we also click on Accept to complete the process.


Step 7

After this we access Minecraft again to check its performance: image

4. Allocate RAM using Minecraft Launcher in Windows 10

Step 1

It is possible to edit the RAM parameters from the launcher or launcher of the program, for this we open Minecraft Launcher and in the window we will go to the "Installations" tab: image

Step 2

There we find the latest version, we hover over this field and a button with three horizontal dots will be activated: image

Step 3

We click on them and select Edit, then in the pop-up window we click on "More options" and we will go to the "JVM Arguments" line: image

Step 4

As we see, at the beginning of this line is the value -Xmx2G which indicates the amount of RAM to use, 2 means 2 GB of RAM, we change this value to 8 to use 8 GB of RAM in Minecraft. We click on Save to complete the process. image

With any of the methods described we have the opportunity to allocate more RAM to our game of Minecraft and thereby make the most of the game regardless of the day or time.

by (3.5m points)
+3 votes

How to increase RAM in Minecraft
How to allocate more RAM in Minecraft (V2.0.0 or later)
How to allocate more RAM to a Minecraft server

How to increase RAM in Minecraft

Minecraft continues to be one of the most popular games for new generations of users with the incentive that it is available for almost all platforms, from PC to Mac and even iOS and Android. 

It works very well on most devices, although we must recognize that it is always possible to improve it, especially if you have a PC with a large amount of RAM that can be used. 

And it is that the operating system, by default, assigns Minecraft a negligible amount of 1 GB of RAM, which seems scarce to us if it turns out that your PC computer has a total of 8 or 16 GB of RAM in its configuration. 

Although it may seem overly complex to allocate more RAM in Minecraft, the 2.0.0 update changed all of this. Here we wanted to explain how you can allocate more RAM in Minecraft for PC, as well as for all those who run Minecraft on a server.

How to allocate more RAM in Minecraft (V2.0.0 or later)

Although some time ago, it seemed like a complex task to manually allocate more RAM to Minecraft, Microsoft changed all this with the release of version 2.0.0. 

In this way, Minecraft now offers the possibility to adjust the RAM helped by the executable or launcher of Minecraft ', without the need to edit text files and corrupt the game. Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of Minecraft installed (excluding the demo, which has a limit on version 1.5).
  2. Check the total amount of RAM in your PC in 'Start> Settings> System> About'.
  3. Start Minecraft by double-clicking the Minecraft icon on your desktop.
  4. Click on the 'Startup Options' tab at the top right of the window.
  5. Make sure 'Advanced settings' is enabled (green switch) and select the profile you want to edit. If there is only one profile, click on it.
  6. Activate the JVM argument switch.
  7. A line of text should appear, including the phrase -X1G. Change '1' to the amount of gigabytes of RAM you want to allocate to Minecraft. You should not allow Minecraft to use more than two thirds of your general RAM, or other problems will appear.
  8. Click 'Save' for all changes to take place.

It is done. The next time you start Minecraft, the game will use the amount of RAM you have allocated to it.

How to allocate more RAM to a Minecraft server

The process to assign more RAM to Minecraft when it is hosted on a server, is slightly different, since it is not integrated in the executable or Launcher as it happens with the standard game. 

These are the steps to take:

  1. Open your Minecraft server directory (the folder that contains the 'Minecraft_server.exe' file with which the Minecraft server starts). If you are not sure of the location, search for "Minecraft_server" on your PC.
  2. Click on 'Start> New Item> Text Document' on the PC to create a text document in the server directory.
  3. In the new text document, paste the following commands (if you're on the PC):  java -Xmx #### M -Xms #### M -exe Minecraft_Server.exe -o true PAUSE
  4. Replace #### with the value, in MB, that you want to assign (1GB = 1024MB). For example, if you want to allocate 2 GB of RAM, you must enter 2048.
  5. Click 'File> Save As ...' and change 'Save' as type to 'All Files'. Rename the file server executable and change the extension from .txt to .bat.
  6. The file you created will now be the new 'launcher' for your Minecraft server. Just double click to run it. Using the .bat file to start the server will automatically allocate the specified amount of RAM.

It wasn't that complicated, was it? Enjoy your Minecraft game again but with improved performance compared to the speed you had before. 

by (552k points)

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