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Put Copyright or Trademark symbol in Photoshop CC 2020?

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How to write the trademark and copyright ™ ℠ ® and © symbols
And how do I write the symbol of Service Mark or Service Mark SM ℠?
What protection do they grant?
How and where do I place the symbol TM ™, SM℠, R®, C ©, P ℗
Recommendations for use
TM ™ symbol (and SM℠)
Symbol R ®
C © symbol
P ℗ symbol

Although we are more than used to seeing them everywhere, we have observed that a majority of people are not clear about the differences in use between some symbols and others. Virtually nobody knows how to write them. That is why we have decided to create this guide on how to write and use the symbols of Brand ™ , Registered Trademark ® and Copyright © .

NOTE: Sometimes the easiest way to write these symbols is to simply copy them from this page. Save us on your bookmarks!

How to write the trademark and copyright ™ ℠ ® and © symbols

To obtain each symbol we must press Alt on the keyboard (next to the space bar) keep pressed while entering any of the number sequences listed below:

  • Alt + 0153 for tm ™ brand symbol
  • Alt + 0174 for the trademark symbol r ®
  • Alt + 0169 for the copyright c © symbol

If we use these codes in Microsoft Office the result will be different since it shows a larger version. To write them in word there are two options, write (tm), (r), or (c) and the autocorrect will change it automatically. Alternatively we can always use these symbols and others by inserting from Insert> Symbols

Excel SM TM C

And how do I write the symbol of Service Mark or Service Mark SM ℠?

This symbol of "Service Mark" or service mark is not a simple way to be written on all platforms. It is a special character and although it is recognized by text tools, not all of them are written the same. If you work with Microsoft Office you can obtain it from Insert> Symbols as I have indicated previously.

If you try to use it from a browser you will have more problems. The recommended solution is that you have a way to copy it on hand. With HTML the code is accessible using “& # 8480;”

What protection do they grant?

We already know how to write them, but now let's see what protection each of the symbols gives. Although we find that our clients often use some of them interchangeably, it is important to distinguish that they do not provide brand protection, but information and others do indicate that a trademark is registered.

TM ™ symbol (and SM℠)

This symbol is used to give notice of the claim for use in a brand. Generally, this claim is used on a trademark that has not yet been registered, so that potential offenders understand that this trademark is in use and will be claimed. However, claiming a trademark does not mean that it is protected or that it can be protected. This symbol can be used  even if a trademark application is rejected.

In addition to the TM there is a “SM” symbol, which is similar to the previous one, however this is used for brands that cover services of any kind.

The foregoing is valid for countries in which the protection and ownership of a trademark is given to the one who first used it (first to use) and not the one who first registered it (first to register).

Symbol R ®

This symbol is a notice of ownership used in many countries, to warn the public that a brand (both of products and services) is legally registered and protected. This symbol can only be used in combination with the brand. In some countries the use of the r ® symbol in an unregistered trademark can have serious legal consequences.

C © symbol

It is used to notify the copyright or copyright of non-sound works. For sound works the symbol P ℗ is used.

The C © symbol is internationally recognized and is still widely used. However, under the Berne convention, the use of the symbol is not mandatory for protection.

P ℗ symbol

Like the previous one, but exclusively for works with a sound character. His name comes from "Phonogram"

How and where do I place the symbol TM ™, SM℠, R®, C ©, P ℗

There is no specific rule regarding the use of the different symbols. However, we generally find these in the upper right corner of the brands or at the same height as the brand. Either of these forms is appropriate.

Recommendations for use

These symbols indicate a protection granted after registration. Therefore, we must not include the registered trademark ® or ™ in our logo when we apply for a trademark. This is added once the brand has been registered.

If the sign is included when requesting the registration of a trademark, it is likely that the trademark office considers that it does not meet the requirements and its application for trademark registration receives an objection.

We hope this information has been useful for you. If you have any questions, please write to us and we will be happy to help.

by (552k points)

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