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Find objects in the Windows Server Active Directory

in Windows Server by (552k points)
reopened | 271 views

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First, we open our already-loved custom MMC. In the following image we have positioned ourselves in the Domain, and then on the search icon, I have highlighted the search icon. We press it.


By pressing the search button we will see a screen like the following:


We will make sure that in the drop-down list we have selected the types of objects that we want to search, in this case: "users and groups". Later we will also make sure that we have selected the domain that is where we will perform the search.

Ok, now in the field "NAME" , we introduce "Quagliano" (in this case I will search for myself) to find all the users or groups that match this name, at least in part.

Click on the "FIND NOW" button to perform the search. Next we can see the result of the search. In this case it brings me a single user sample, since I search by last name and there are many coincidences. Generally we can search by a name or part of a name and in that case it will bring more results, we will only have to choose the one we need. In the following image we can see the result.


It's very simple, right? , but powerful when looking for objects. Now let's perform the search from another site.
  • To do this, click on HOME -> NETWORK . If we do not fix there is an icon in the "Search Active Directory" toolbar. We press on him. From here, the search is the same as the previous steps, very simple, only that we will search in another Site.
  • Now let's try another add-on to this tool. In the "Active Directory Users and Computers" add-on, we right-click on "Saved Queries" -> NEW -> QUERY .
  • Next we see in the "new query" window . Fill in the necessary fields to complete these fields and click on the "Define Query .." button. Now what we do is define the search that interests us. In our case, we only select the value "has a value" in the "NAME" field . Then press "Ok".
  • It returns us to the previous window but this time, if we look, it has created a chain that is the search that we are going to carry out. When closing the dialog box, we position ourselves in "user" in "saved queries" and we see that in the part of the right it shows us the result of that search that we have defined. These searches will be saved and we will be able to consult them whenever we want.
  • In order to see more features in the form of columns, we select the menu view -> Add / Remove Columns.
  • In the "Available columns" menu, select "last name" and click on the "ADD" button .
  • In the "Displayed columns" menu, select "Description" and click on the "REMOVE" button .
  • We can do some other modification more, if we need them, as you can see it is very configurable.
As Ven is a very useful and very simple tool to manipulate, the truth is that for some administrators that handle several domains it is very complicated to remember all the objects that we handle within each OU, container. And this facilitates us in speed.

by (3.5m points)

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