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What is Google+?

in Social Media by (552k points)
reopened | 268 views

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The present tutorial will begin explaining some basic concepts:

What is a social network?

A social network is a social structure composed of actors that can be individuals, or organizations of different types. Social networks on the Internet are a field of virtual interaction.

It is also convenient to define what is Google to get to the tutorial on what is Google+.

What is Google?

Google goes far beyond what it was initially, a search engine. Currently, it is a large company, both physical and virtual.
Google offers a large number of free services such as: videos, news, mail accounts, online translator, among many others.

It is a social network based on Google. There are profiles of users that can be segmented according to different criteria, such as friends, family, colleagues, etc., and everything done through the application of circles.

You can also post pictures, have access to online games, and chat.
Its programming structure is based on HTML5, which gives the signal that its evolution will be constant and innovative.

Here's how to register an account on Google+.

First you access the official Google page, placing the word Google+ in the search box of Google. Once the link is found, click on it to access the site:


If you do not have an account, you will have to create it. For that you click on the red button on the top right that says CREATE AN ACCOUNT.


You can see that a registration form appears on the page that must be filled out. For example:


Once all the requirements have been completed, click on image and progress continues with the registration process. Once you have the new account, you will be asked to complete the profile of the new user, placing a photograph, entering a slogan, place of work where you work, studies and add photographs in the photo wall.

Then you will learn a little about its interface.
Its interface is very simple and easy to use. In the upper part or on the side of the page you can see the access to different services offered by Google.



It is also useful to access to configure the profile. One of the most important features and that stand out about the social network of Factbook is that you can see the videos published running at the same time, giving more dynamism to the site. In Factbook it is necessary to click on the play button to see them.


In the box at the top you can share the news, from entering a simple text, insert photographs, place a link to another place, insert videos, and Hanguot (tool for videoconferencing)




The system will also make suggestions about other Google+ users where it will say:


In each option of the top menu you can see who is inside each circle, for example in the "known" section:


In the option of interesting topics, you can observe outstanding information and also recommendations to see:


Finally Google+ is a great social network of Google with all that that implies and its growth and, innovation is in a sustained increase.

by (3.5m points)

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