+5 votes
The density of the keywords to make a good SEO

in SEO by (552k points)
reopened | 313 views

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It is about the quantity and the percentage in which the keywords are placed within a content.

A recommended tool to do this analysis is Seochat that although it is in English is very useful and very easy to use. To find it on the Web you have to go to Google and put the word Seochat in the search box.


Once the page has been clicked, it will appear in the following content:


Afterwards, click on the SEO TOOLS option:


Once inside that option (SEO TOOLS), look for the section that says "KEYWORD DENSITY" and click on it.


Then a form will appear that will be completed by each of the options you request:


  • First enter the URL of the site you want to analyze.
  • Then the number of terms that will show in the result, for example: 25 terms.
  • Later what elements will include; Goal, Alt, Title.
  • Nothing will be placed in the numerical information
  • You must define the number of words per sentence, for example of 3 words: "rental houses".
  • Finally, the security codes are completed and the "Analize" button is clicked
Next, you will see the results of the site you want to analyze:


The keywords that may be useful for the site in question are:


Remember that the combination of 3 keywords was chosen. In the second column it says how many times that combination of words is being used and the percentage that corresponds to it. For example:
"Computing free courses = 7 = 3.38%"

Actually there is no parameter that sets the number of keywords to use as well as its percentage. In any case it is convenient to handle those values ​​at your discretion.
If we see that a combination of keywords is being used many times, it might not be productive to do so and give more participation to others that can bring more benefit.
For its part, Google warned that many webmasters used the same keywords several times as seen in the example, resulting in the penalty of sites that abused their use.
In other words, it is always convenient to have a density of keywords that do not exceed 1% individually.

If you want to continue analyzing the site you can request reports with combinations of 2 or 1 key words and analyze if their density is correct.
If for example you have a text of 500 words and a word of that content appears 25 times, it will be indicating a density of 5%.

Always remember to maintain a certain consistency in the use of keywords since search engines interpret that it is a trick to achieve a better positioning, coming to penalize the page by excessive use of them.
Another aspect that will be taken into account by search engines is where the keywords are located.
The keywords that are in the title would have more relevance than others, as well as the texts in bold, those that contain links and other texts that have format with labels HI to H6.

by (3.5m points)

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