+5 votes
How to adjust mouse DPI settings?

in Other Devices by (552k points)
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2 Answers

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How do I know how many DPI my mouse has?
What are the DPI of a mouse?
How do DPI work?
How to change the DPI of your mouse?

Although it may seem a relevant factor only for gamers, due to the speed of response and precision that the mouse deserves in these current games, the DPI of a mouse is important for every computer user.

Although you don't need the same settings that a player needs, it is important that you understand what the DPI of your mouse are and how to know it , since this can help you in any other aspect of its configuration.

How do I know how many DPI my mouse has?

To know the DPI of your mouse, you can do it in the following ways:

  • In the box:  Usually in the specifications of the characteristics that it brings in the packaging box of the mouse, if it is fixed, it will appear how many DPI your mouse has.
  • In the software:  In case your mouse has proprietary software, there you can verify all the parameters.
  • Manufacturer website:  Another option is to go directly to the website of the manufacturer of your mouse and there you will find all the data related to the model of your mouse.

If we have a mouse with a DPI that is not fixed , we can change it or vary it depending on what we want. This is not always possible and only the most advanced mice allow this function.

What are the DPI of a mouse?

The acronym DPI for its meaning in English "dot per inch" and basically  it is the measure of sensitivity of our mouse.

How do DPI work?

Technically, the higher the mouse DPI setting, the greater the distance the screen cursor will move when we move the mouse.

That is, if a mouse has 8000 DPI , when you move the mouse one inch (2.54 CM), the screen cursor will move 8000 pixels.

How to change the DPI of your mouse?

You can do it in the following three ways:

  • When it comes to very modern mice, they have a button specifically to adjust the sensitivity.
  • If the mouse  does not have a button that allows this configuration, we must do it from the software. The software commonly comes on a CD with packaging or we can download it from the manufacturer's website.

If we do not have the 2 previous options , Microsoft has a solution for Windows users. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In Windows 10, press win + X and click "control panel"
  2. In "control panel" go to the "mouse" option. A window will open. Click on "pointer options."
  3. While there, in the “movement” section, choose from + tre the options that it offers you: “slow” or “fast”.
  4. Click "apply" and then "accept" to accept the settings . Ready.

by (552k points)
+4 votes

What is DPI for a mouse and how do I change it?
How to set DPI for a mouse?
On Windows.
On Mac.

What is DPI for a mouse and how do I change it?

The DPI (Dots Per Inch), also called PPP (Points Per Inch) corresponds to the number of data that connects an inch of a line, or 2.54 cms.

In other words, the DPI for a mouse represents the sensitivity of the mouse with the cursor. The higher the DPI, the faster the cursor will move and move quickly.

Some mice such as the most conventional mice that are found at low cost do not have any configuration to modify, while the more expensive mice such as Gamer's mice have modifiable DPI parameters. DPI therefore influences the quality of the mouse.

Changing the DPI of your mouse is very simple and we will explain how to do it step by step in the rest of this article.

How to set DPI for a mouse?

On Windows.

If your computer is under Windows, you will first need to go to the Start menu on your computer, click on Control Panel, then on Mouse.

Once the properties window of your mouse is open, you will be able to modify the DPI settings.

Just click on Pointer options (third tab from the left).

From there, you can adjust the speed of your mouse pointer by moving the slider to the right if you want it to be faster or to the left if you want your mouse to be slowed down.

Another option at your disposal, if you want to slow down the speed of your mouse because you find that your mouse is moving much too quickly, you just have to uncheck the box Improve the accuracy of the pointer. You can test the speed of your mouse by moving it on your screen.

Once these settings have been made, you must click Apply at the bottom right of the properties window, then click OK so that the changes made are saved and applied.

On Mac.

If your computer is on a Mac, you must open the Apple menu by clicking on the Apple logo at the top left of your screen.

From the drop-down menu, you must select System Preferences or System Preferences.

Then, depending on whether you are using an iMac or a MacBook, you then click either on “Mouse” (for the iMac) or on “Trackpad” (for the MacBook).

At this stage, please click on the tab at the top of the Pointer window and click. Here you can adjust the Tracking Speed ​​by simply dragging the slider to the right if you want it to be slower or to the left to speed it up. To see if the mouse speed is right for you, just move your mouse around the screen.

To save the changes made and close the settings window, you must click on the small red circle at the top left.

 Here, having followed the above steps, you have adjusted the DPI of your mouse.

by (552k points)

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