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Why your iPhone voicemail disappears and how to fix it

in Messages & Calls by (552k points)
reopened | 620 views

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Do away with disappearing audio messages
Recover voice messages from backup


Experience shows that some iOS updates contain bugs that affect the daily lives of iPhone owners. You may have already noticed that voice memos and audio messages are disappearing from your iPhone for no apparent reason. Here are several solutions to fix this problem..

Do away with disappearing audio messages

For several weeks, testimonies from dissatisfied iPhone owners have been pouring in on the internet. Several messages posted on social networks mention audio messages that disappear on their own without users deleting or archiving them. One can easily imagine the anxiety felt by these people.

The problem only seems to concern a handful of devices at the moment. Experience has shown that this phenomenon primarily affects devices that have received an update. Indeed, once the latest version of iOs is installed, there is in some cases the appearance of a bug affecting the settings of the iMessage application..

The audio messages are then configured to automatically expire two minutes after listening to them. This modification deletes all the voice memos. Fortunately, there is a workaround to resolve this issue without having to manually record each message.

  • Go to Settings on your iPhone
  • Click on the green Messages icon
  • Select the Expiration option in the audio message section image
  • Change the settings for keeping messages by selecting the option never image
  • Repeat the same operation for the video message section

This is the problem should never happen again. Many iPhone users ignore this and yet audio and video messages are programmed to automatically erase two minutes after they are read. Note that it is possible to keep a copy of an audio recording by leaving your finger pressed on the message icon and clicking on keep..

  • Launch the Phone application then click on the Messaging section
  • Place your finger on the voice message you want to save in your phone memory
  • Tap the share icon (rectangle with a cross pointing up)
  • Click on the dictaphone icon

Recover voice messages from backup

It is particularly painful to lose a voicemail message that we really care about. The good news is that it is possible to recover deleted messages. But beware, it's not all that simple, because it depends on your synchronization settings.

Backups from iCloud and iTunes can help you recover your messages deleted by mistake or inadvertently. All you have to do is restore your device from a back-up.

Please note this operation will automatically delete all the modifications made since the backup was created. All new contacts, calendars, notes, SMS, messages, emails created or received since your last backup will be deleted.

  • Start by checking that the audio messages are properly synchronized with iTunes or iCloud
  • Open iTunes software on your computer
  • Connect your phone to your PC or Mac using the cable that came with your phone
  • You may be asked to unlock your phone or allow your computer to access your iPhone memory
  • Select your smartphone in iTunes
  • Click on the Summary button in the left column of the software
  • Press the Restore backup copy button
  • Select the file likely to contain your message from the list. Use the creation date of each backup
  • Press the Restore button
  • The duration of the operation varies depending on the size of your backup

Note that you should never disconnect the iPhone from your computer before the restoration is complete. For people using the iCloud online storage service, the message retrieval procedure is different.

  • Launch your web browser
  • Open the iCloud web page https://icloud.com.
  • Log in to your account using your Apple credentials
  • Do a search to see if you find the deleted messages

Unfortunately the result is not 100% guaranteed. In addition to these two methods, there are applications specialized in data recovery on the net. The success rate depends on how you use your iPhone.

In fact, audio messages disappear completely from your iPhone only when the memory location on which it was used by another file. To hope to be able to get hold of an audio file, it is therefore necessary to perform the recovery as quickly as possible.

by (3.5m points)

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