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How to know if a hacker is using your wifi connection

in Security by (552k points)
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Advantages and disadvantages of Wi-Fi
WiFi network security
Your wireless connection has been hacked
Block connection to unknown devices


Protecting your Wi-Fi box with a password is not enough to make it completely invulnerable. If your internet connection seems slower than usual, it would be good to check that your neighbor is not having fun hacking into your Wi-Fi. Discover the test that will allow you to know if your internet connection is being used without your knowledge ..

Advantages and disadvantages of Wi-Fi

Wireless Wi-Fi technology has invaded our interiors. Easy to install, it allows very easy access to the Internet from any room in the home. No more cables running around. Wi-Fi allows you to share the same connection with an infinite number of devices (smartphones, tablets, computers, connected objects).

Today almost all households have a wireless connection . Routers and Wi-Fi boxes are very popular with the general public. But this cannot make us forget the security problems inherent in this type of technology. Indeed it is much easier to intercept waves than to hack a wired internet access..

WiFi network security

The different security methods (WEP, WPA, Mac address filtering) do not offer absolute protection. There are also programs on the net capable of recovering the password of a WiFi connection. For this they use the so-called brute force attack method.

This technique allows you to test thousands of combinations until you find the right one. Obviously, the longer and more complex the password (lowercase, upper case, special characters), the longer it will take the hacker to connect to your Wi-Fi..

If you are using a name or date of birth to protect your wireless connection, it may be time to change your password urgently.

Your wireless connection has been hacked

Without knowing it, a funny squat may be your internet connection. If you have any doubts, start by logging in to the administrative interface of your box or router. These devices generally have tools to see the devices connected to your wireless network and thus unmask intruders.

image Does your ISP not offer this type of service? Do not panic, we find on the Play Store, a large number of network diagnostic tools. With the Fing - Network Tools application you will be able to analyze your wireless connection and make sure that it has not been hacked.

  • Connect to your Wi-Fi network
  • Launch the Play Store app
  • Download and install the Fing - Network Tools app
  • Launch the application
  • Click on the refresh button (semicircle with an arrow) image

On the home screen you will find the name of your Wi-Fi access as well as the list of devices connected to your network at this precise moment. The application will also provide you with the MAC address, IP and the name of each device identified on your network. image

Block connection to unknown devices

Most Boxes offer a filtering system to block unwanted devices. To do this, simply record the MAC address (unique identifier assigned to each network device), connect to the administration interface of your box, then add the address to the Wi-Fi access list. banish. Repeat the same operation for mobiles, computers that do not belong to you.

by (3.5m points)

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