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Increase the maximum volume of an Android mobile

in Multimedia by (552k points)
reopened | 568 views

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Listening to music on your smartphone
Volume Booster
Dangers of sound on an Android mobile: the dangers
How to use Volume Booster


For years, smartphone manufacturers have sought to integrate loudspeakers with high volume on their devices. So far the results have not lived up to the expectations of music lovers. Here are some tips to improve the sound quality of Android mobiles and significantly increase the sound of speakers..

Listening to music on your smartphone

You will be surprised to know the number of people who exclusively use an Android smartphone to listen to music. You may be part of this big family of music lovers yourself. And yet this aspect continues to be completely neglected by the phone manufacturers.

The latter have become accustomed to highlighting the quality of their screens, their batteries or their cameras and more rarely that of their speakers. No wonder when you see (or rather listen to) the more than mediocre audio performance of some smartphones. Fortunately, some applications manage to improve the quality of sound delivered by the speakers..

Volume Booster

Can't afford a beautiful Bluetooth-enabled portable speaker? Do you think you are doomed to settle for mediocre sound? The Volume Booster application as its name suggests will help you increase the sound volume of your stereo speakers beyond what the basic system offers. image It is also capable of improving the sound quality of your mobile.

A lot of work has been done by the developers of the application on bass management. You will be amazed at how a simple application like Volume Booster can transform an Android mobile. image

Be careful not to push the sound too much. Prolonged listening at high volume is not recommended by doctors. You may damage your eardrums. Remember to keep the volume at a moderate level to avoid hearing problems..

Dangers of sound on an Android mobile: the dangers

The Volume Booster application is proving to be a very effective solution for music lovers. That said, it can be dangerous for your smartphone. Several users destroyed their speakers and headphones after installing it. Considering the price of some helmets it is not very reassuring.

It is therefore advisable to exercise caution. Never push the volume too loud. Besides, during the first launch, a message will warn you of the risks involved. TechnoWikis and the author of this article cannot be held liable for material damage caused by the use of this application. You have been warned.

How to use Volume Booster

Volume Booster has a clear and pleasant interface. Its use should not be a problem for you. Thanks to it, you will be able to bypass the maximum volume limit on your smartphone.

  • Launch the Play Store
  • Download the Volume Booster app
  • Then open your favorite audio application (Google Play Music, Poweramp etc.)
  • Return to the home screen of your smartphone
  • Click on the Volume Booster icon
  • Vary the Boost slider to increase the volume of your speakers or headphones image

The further you move the slider to the right, the more the volume will be amplified. It is important to be careful during handling as you may damage the speakers or headphones of your device.

by (3.5m points)

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