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Telegram is still more cool than WhatsApp for these 7 exclusive functions. Do you know them?

in Help by (552k points)
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Use Telegram on your computer natively
Use bots that integrate directly with the application
Send large files
Use a username if you don't feel like giving your phone number
Self-destructing conversations
You can use GIFs and Stickers in your conversations
Use #Hashtags and @mentions in conversations


A few years ago, instant messaging had an undisputed king: Microsoft's MSN Messenger. The boom in desktop computers allowed many of us to communicate instantly, for the first time, with our acquaintances and friends through a “private chat”..

Many years later, if we are today, the most used instant messaging application is WhatsApp, on our mobile phones, but WhatsApp suffers from many drawbacks. The most acclaimed alternative by lovers of a good instant messaging experience is Telegram , with many more exclusive functions than WhatsApp. Let's get to know them.

Use Telegram on your computer natively


WhatsApp “pleased” all its users months ago with a desktop and web version called 'WhatsApp Web'. But make no mistake: it is not a native application for computers, it is simply a "replica" of the service we use on our smartphone, what's more, it is impossible to use 'WhatsApp Web' if we don't have our smartphone running..

With Telegram the matter is very different: we have native and independent applications for computer and web from the same day it was put into operation, with the same functions of the smartphone application. We will find a desktop application for Windows (among other platforms) and the web version.

Use bots that integrate directly with the application


Another attraction of Telegram is its ability to use "bots" integrated into the application itself. Bots are autonomous chats created by any developer that allow, through commands and menus, to provide all kinds of information to their users..

There are discount bots in online stores, weather bots, virtual assistant bots, personalized information channels… In addition, most of them are designed to automatically send information to their users on a daily basis.

Send large files

WhatsApp has a fairly tight file size limit : 16 MB in the case of images and videos and 100 MB in the case of documents. With Telegram this limitation is much lower.

We can send absolutely all types of files with a size limit of up to 1.5 GB per file , this allows us to have much more margin to send large volumes of files, either in compressed files or separately.

Use a username if you don't feel like giving your phone number

Another of Telegram's strengths is privacy: we can use a username so that other contacts add us with it instead of having to share our real phone number.

This ends up being much more practical in terms of privacy and security.

Self-destructing conversations


If you are looking for a further twist in terms of privacy and security, Telegram offers private conversations between users that self-destruct after a specific time (which can be programmed) since both users read the conversation. They will be deleted from both Telegram accounts.

In addition, it alerts if the other user has taken a screenshot of the conversation to further guarantee the confidentiality of the conversation.

You can use GIFs and Stickers in your conversations

Although the rumor that GIFs will come to WhatsApp very soon is increasing, right now only Telegram is the only one of the two that allows us to send GIFs to our contacts to express an emotion or curious situation.

It also houses a selection of " stickers ", something that WhatsApp escapes and that, apparently, at the moment it has no intention of solving, since with the classic emojis it seems to have everything covered.

Use #Hashtags and @mentions in conversations

The most representative tools of current social networks can also be used in Telegram as practical as in Twitter or Facebook. We may use 'hashtags' or mentions to address our contacts.

With the 'hashtags', which are used by introducing a pound sign (#) in front of the word to be highlighted, we will be able to carry out, identify and tag searches for a specific term in the conversation. With the mentions using the @ , we can directly mention a user within a group or conversation so that a personal notice notification appears.

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by (3.5m points)

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