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Learn how to send kaomojis with Android Messages

in Calls & SMS by (552k points)
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Kaomojis, Japanese emoticons
Insert kaomojis in your SMS


Do you love to insert emoticons in your SMS? So in this case, you will love kaomojis. These are very popular little smileys in Japan. And unlike our good old emojis, they appear on almost all devices, including basic phones. Here is how to use Android Messages shortcuts to insert kaomojis in your SMS..

Kaomojis, Japanese emoticons

Formerly reserved for exchanges between teenagers, smileys have gradually invaded all our messages, including professional exchanges. More and more people no longer hesitate to add a little yellow smiley face to end a conversation.

These small pictograms capable of expressing a feeling are still very popular today, especially with the Millennial generation (people born between the early 80s and the end of the 90s) and their parents. Otherwise to stand out, there are kaomojis..

These are ultra-graphic smileys invented in Japan at the end of the 80s. Unlike the emoticons used in the West, they most often look like the heads of animals (dog, cat, pig, bear, etc.).

The only problem is that these text symbols are particularly difficult to remember. Fortunately, there are various sites on the net that offer a list of around a hundred kaomojis. All you have to do is select the one that interests you and then insert it into your message using a simple copy and paste. The procedure is described in the link opposite..

Although the operation is relatively simple, it does have a few drawbacks. Indeed, it is never pleasant to have to juggle several applications (web browser, messaging). We offer you a simpler solution for using kaomojis.

Insert kaomojis in your SMS

The Google Gboard keyboard has a new smiley function capable of directly inserting kaomojis. You will be able to give free rein to your creativity and no longer use the emojis installed by default on your smartphone.

Google's virtual keyboard has all the basic kaomojis to brighten up your messages. The smileys are grouped by theme (surprise, shrug, look, nervous, etc.). It is assee easy to use.

  • Make sure you have the latest version of Google's virtual keyboard
  • Launch Android Messages
  • Place your finger on the text entry area
  • Once the Gboard keyboard click on the emoji key placed to the left of the space bar
  • Click on the smiley tab

All you have to do is choose an item and then select one of the proposed expressions. There are hundreds of possibilities. Your best bet is to try it out.

by (3.5m points)

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