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This APP alerts you when you lose your Internet connection and when it returns

in Applications by (552k points)
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Internet Connectivity Test
Download Internet Connectivity Tester: Play Store

The Internet connection is one of those things that goes away or is lost when you least expect it. And it comes back in the same way. Although the cell phone reports the status of the connection or network through the icons in the status bar, these are not always reliable. To know if the Internet has returned or there is already a connection, sometimes you do not even see the normal WiFi icon (remove the exclamation mark next to it), or that the H + or 4G of mobile data appears is enough, because these Icons may show connection or appear normal, but WhatsApp messages don't go away and YouTube videos don't load, so you have to constantly check the browser to see if the web pages are already open..

Internet Connectivity Test


A simple way to be notified when you stop having Internet or to be notified as soon as the connection returns is to use the Internet Connectivity Test application . As its name indicates, this app is in charge of testing the Internet connection and verifying if there really is data transmission between your cell phone and the web. You can check the Internet connection by WiFi, mobile data or either of the two.

Unlike the Android system, this application is in charge of reviewing a specific web page (configurable in its settings). That is, it does the same thing we would do, but automatically, so you don't have to open the browser and see this manually. 

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The app can keep checking the Internet connection permanently, with time intervals of at least 10 seconds between tests. Once you press the "Start Testing" button, it will do this indefinitely until you stop this monitoring, including when the screen is obviously off (although this can be disabled to save battery life, although it would not make much sense if the app does not work in that condition)..

During the connection check, this Internet Connection Test will notify you with on-screen notifications, as well as with sounds when there is an Internet connection or not. Optionally, in its settings you can activate the notification only when there is a change in the connection status, that is, only when the Internet leaves or when it returns. 

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In the application settings you can configure several things, such as the check frequency, the type of network you want to monitor (WiFi or mobile data), start the app when you turn on the cell phone, change the notification sounds, deactivate the app during the night or a specific period, etc.


APP settings «Internet connectivity test»

Obviously, for this app to make sense, the connection monitoring option should be kept activated when the screen is off. It is indicated that this may consume a bit more battery, but in my case I have not observed a noticeable consumption impact. In relation to this, make sure to deactivate the battery saving for this application from the Android system settings, or else the app could close during background monitoring, especially in the case of Huawei and Xiaomi devices ..

Download Internet Connectivity Tester: Play Store

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