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Tik Tok rules 2021: what is not allowed in Tik Tok

in Promotion in Tik Tok by (552k points)
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Current rules of the TikTok community
Basic rules of TikTok in Russian
What is considered a violation of the rules of use in TikTok
New TikTok rules 2021

TikTok in 2021 is a young, but already advanced platform for publishing content. Its success is due not only to the convenience of the interface and rapid progress in popularity, but also to the clear structure of the rules. They regulate the work on the platform, and this leads to its greater efficiency..


For violations of the rules in the application, users are often blocked or fall into the shadow ban of Tik Tok. Then access to content and publications will be limited or impossible. You can avoid this if you study the rules.

Current rules of the TikTok community

You can find and read orders from developers without obstacles. The user gains access to the section after registration and does not lose it, so you can learn the rules gradually..

To find the list, follow the instructions:

  1. Log in to your account and go to the "Me" section, which is located on the bottom panel.
  2. Then tap on the icon with three dots to get into the general settings.
  3. In the "Information" item there will be a section "Community Rules". Here you can learn all the recommendations for actions when working with the application.

The list is large, so not every user will study the information and be able to avoid violating the Tik Tok rules. It is not recommended to do this, as you can violate one of the orders, get banned and not know about it. Better to get familiar with the basics.

If your account was blocked without violations, we advise you to write to Tik Tok technical support..

Basic rules of TikTok in Russian

TikToka's action recommendation structure is convenient. It includes main points with sub-points and a detailed description of the requirements.

Here are the main topics that are prohibited to raise on the platform in any form:

  1. Content related to dangerous persons and organizations cannot be published. Not only videos are taken into account, but also hashtags, music or effects.
    They should not contain a story, appeal or approval of the user regarding the actions and attributes of criminal and terrorist organizations or individuals.
    If content with such a topic is published for the purpose of historical information, it can be skipped, but it is better not to risk it.
  2. TikTok's rules for the user include a ban on files that relate to the topic of drugs, weapons, illegal materials and their circulation. The site strictly treats this violation, as well as fraud on such a basis.
    Not only the content of the Tiktoker is checked, but also his personal correspondence for the presence of prohibited phrases or secret negotiations. For such behavior, not only a blockage, but also a term in prison or a fine may threaten.
  3. Violence and the manifestation of cruelty on the platform is impossible, as well as the propaganda of inflicting grievous bodily or moral harm on oneself. Posts with such a topic will be erased, and the user will be blocked by Tik Tok.
  4. Raising hatred or bullying other TikTokers and ordinary people are prohibited activities on TikTok. If your content is oppressive to even a small group of people, it may be considered offensive and removed.
  5. It is not possible to post exposing videos with erotic overtones or direct harassment on the platform. Videos that hint at such scenes are often banned, and they promise to show the sequel on another social network or messenger.
  6. Content that is associated with child molestation or erotic praise of children is screened out. This includes videos of child abuse footage.
  7. If videos advertise scammers or are displayed with the aim of deceiving their own audience, according to Russian TikTok rules, they will be removed in 2020.
  8. Content content can pose a threat to the platform. Moderators do not allow such oversights, therefore they quickly respond to users who make such publications.

In general terms, the platform standards look like this. You can learn more about each item in the appendix. Details are specified with the moderators of the social network.

What is considered a violation of the rules of use in TikTok

If the user violates one of the listed requirements, his video is removed immediately from the site. The system is responsive to violations. It is also possible to permanently delete the Tiktoker account.

Discussing prohibited topics or publishing content that is casually related to it is also actively detected on the platform.

When a user posts a video that discusses attitudes towards minorities, they may be banned or blocked.

The moderators also take into account other points for which you can get into a ban or block:

  1. Obscene speech in video or music with such content.
  2. If the tiktoker openly discusses the intimate parts of a person's body, sexual intercourse and related details.
  3. Spam video or hashtags.
  4. Instagram advertising, Telegram, etc.
  5. Children under 13 not only cannot publish content, but also "light up" in the videos of other users.


Consider these points so as not to be blocked in the application. This is true for people who post frequently and don't filter them.

New TikTok rules 2021

The videos undergo serious screening by the system and a moderation check on Tik Tok before publication, so that strange content does not end up in the feed. You can regulate this process if you take care of the content in advance.

Videos should not include topics that are prohibited by the rules, or reasoning close to them. Also, be attentive to conversations and discussions so that an inappropriate phrase does not appear in the speech.

Before publishing, bloggers edit materials in the application additionally, because such content is skipped more often. The risk of getting into the block is reduced.

Video requirements change over time, so it's best to follow the rules section regularly. The article examines the current recommendations for 2021, and they can be taken into account when working with the application.

With each update of the platform, try to review the rules for new ones so that you are always aware of your own and others' violations. Also, keep an eye on the item descriptions in the requirements section, as their interpretation may change.

by (3.5m points)

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