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What will be the trends in Tik Tok 2021

in Promotion in Tik Tok by (552k points)
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Why follow trends on TikTok
Trending trends in Tik Tok in 2021
Outdated trends in Tik Tok
How to Track Tik Tok Trends in 2021
How to create a trend in Tik Tok

Social media trends change frequently, so it makes sense to keep an eye on them. This way you will know how to grab the attention of your audience and keep it afterwards..

On Tik Tok, popular video features are constantly changing, because this platform was created primarily for publishing content.

Which Tik Tok trends will be relevant in 2021 and will easily fly into the Tik Tok rivers, and which ones have already lost their relevance, you will learn from this article..


Why follow trends on TikTok

Trends are important on every platform as they drive user needs. If the desires of the audience are not taken into account, the content will cease to spread quickly across the platform.

Reasons why it is better to track 2021 trends:

  • help to shoot relevant content that will attract more users to your account and motivate to subscribe,
  • form popular hashtags among tiktokers,
  • increase the chances of getting into recommendations,
  • promote the authors who create them among a million audience.

These arguments show that a tool like Tik Tok trend is effective for promoting and launching ads. It is not difficult to use it - it is enough to observe your favorite bloggers on a social network and publish unique author's videos with creative ideas..

Trending trends in Tik Tok in 2021

Now on the platform, users are guided by the following trends when shooting videos:

  1. Dressing up with transitions. You can show your images through the video in this way. Use popular transitions to shoot a video of how you jump from a home look to a bright evening outfit in a second.
  2. Crying face effect. Such videos not only quickly gain views, but also make users laugh if the author thinks them through.
  3. Effect with a man's face. Also a sought-after filter that makes you look like a man with a mustache, stubble and large eyebrows.
    It looks comical and also helps to act out scenes between a woman and a man when the author is alone.
  4. Videos with food or recipes. It is popular in TikTok trends to show how users prepare unusual dishes. It is also in demand to film Tiktoker tasting strange food.
  5. Movements to new tracks. Often celebrities shoot viral videos of dancing to their songs, and netizens repeat this. Recently it was fun to dance to the new Cardi B song WAP.
  6. Item on the head. Here, one person is put on a box or pot in the store. When he removes the subject, he discovers that the second character in the video is also standing with something on his head.
  7. The transformation of the appearance attracts attention, because in the course of a small video, noticeable changes can be seen. These clips show the results of losing weight or sports compared to the initial version.
  8. Talking animals. The clips use the effect that a human mouth imposes on a cat using a Smile mask.
    A quote from Tik Tok or a song with catchy content is also added to make it look like the cat is talking or singing. If the text matches the actions of the cat, the audience's reactions will be explosive.

Use trends to set your content apart from others. It is better to adapt all the chips for yourself to make it look more original.

Outdated trends in Tik Tok

Newbies to the app or users who don't follow trends often shoot content on outdated topics. This causes a negative reaction from other TikTokers, because if the chips went out of "fashion", they are bored and no longer relevant.

Topics to ignore:

  • coronavirus is a topic that people are hearing now, but it has become boring, so there is no point in filming videos on it. So you will only cause negativity,
  • two people change clothes - these videos were in demand a couple of months ago, but they are no longer removed. Users are tired of it, because such clips are of the same type,
  • experiments with appearance were perceived positively during the period of quarantine and self-isolation, but now this is irrelevant. Such content is acceptable, but not on the past scale,
  • the trend pillow is also a relic of self-isolation. People are already going to work and are actively communicating with society, so the trend has lost its popularity.


No one can prohibit the filming of content that you like. However, it's best to stick with this list so that you don't opt ​​for capturing outdated trends.

It is also important to independently monitor changes in the application, in order to highlight topics for which users no longer shoot clips.

How to Track Tik Tok Trends in 2021

To keep your awareness of trends up-to-date, check out the recommendations regularly. In them, you can observe the development of the interests of the audience and tiktokers, and create content based on these observations.

Also subscribe to popular bloggers of millionaires, who often create trends on the site themselves. You will be able to get information about this first if you follow their publications.


Fantasy plays an important role, so develop it to create your own cinematic tiles. Then the rest of the users will shoot like you, and not vice versa.

How to create a trend in Tik Tok

It's not difficult to come up with an idea for a video, but it is problematic to stand out due to it on the platform. The competition in TikTok is growing, so people with a similar mindset are faced with the problem of creating identical chips.

The theme will turn out to be non-trivial if you consider the following tips:

  • discard the first ideas because they are primitive. Pay attention to those that you come up with after 10-20 minutes of thinking,
  • analyze the options for relevance in the networks. To do this, browse the content on related topics,
  • make sure you haven't thought of this before. Here it is also appropriate to view videos with a similar topic in the search,
  • find ways to promote this clip in a recommendation to attract more followers to your idea,
  • develop it in other videos if Tiktokers received the first job positively.

It may not work the first time, but with hard work, you will get the result you hoped for.

by (3.5m points)

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