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Top Songs in Tik Tok ? JUNE 2021

in Promotion in Tik Tok by (552k points)
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Hot TOP of Tik Tok songs 2021 June
TOP Tracks in Tik Tok for Recommendations 2021
TOP novelties among tracks in Tik Tok 2021 June
TOP TikTok tracks that went viral all over the world

Tik Tok regularly pleases users with not only bright content, but also cool music. Since the spring is behind us, the blues and fatigue are gone, people want to quickly feel the full summer and vivid emotions - this is also expressed in the music..

Dynamic melodies with simple text are gaining popularity on the social network in June 2021. And if you also want to feel the summer vibe, fill your playlist with these cheerful tracks, which we have collected in the article.

You can download these songs on every site on the Internet, if you fill in the name in the search. You can also add music to the phone's playlist through applications - iTunes on iPhone, and, for example, SoundCloud on Android..

Hot TOP of Tik Tok songs 2021 June

In 2021, the list of popular music on TikTok with brief information about the artist looks like this:

  1. Ramil '- Sleep. Ramil Alimov is a popular singer who has released many hit tracks. "Dream" appeared last month, but was born quite by accident - the idea appeared in a couple of minutes. And immediately the artist wrote the lyrics and music, so as not to forget. As a result, the track blew up the social network and music charts on the network.
  2. Masked Wolf - Astronaut In The Ocean. The track was written by Harry Michael, an Australian rapper and singer. The man had written tracks before, but Astronaut In The Ocean brought him popularity.
  3. Yegor Creed - Not perfect. Yegor Creed regularly impresses fans with viral tracks - and this time he did the same. Many tiktokers shoot a video for this song.
  4. Artur Babich - Grandmas. Artur Babich is a popular tiktoker who already writes and releases his own songs. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the track was blown up by TikTok.
  5. ElyOtto - SugarCrash! - this song became popular as users used it in a viral video. The track quickly spread across the social network and is still popular - which means that you can also shoot a video for it and get views on Tik Tok.
  6. Dzharakhov & Smeshariki - DRILL. Eldar Dzharakhov is popular not only as a singer, but also as a YouTuber. This track of the performer gained high fame - the video was watched more than 600 thousand times per day. The song itself is surprisingly simple - the artist combined phrases, words of cartoon characters with the sound of street beats.
  7. Dania Milokhin - Boom. Danya Milokhin from Dream Team House also "left" TikTok and "conquered the stage". Now his tracks are gaining high popularity, but have not yet become very viral on the social network - they are mainly used by Dani's fans.
  8. DEAD BLONDE - Boy on the nine. Arina Bulanova in the song touches on the time of the 90s /, although she herself did not find this period. The song really broke TikTok - it is used by Tiktokers of different orientations to gain views. For more than a month she has not left the top.
  9. Milana Khametova - UMKA. Milana is an eleven-year-old girl who managed to work as a model, become an insta blogger and get into Dava's TikTok House Super House. Milan's track hits the top on many social platforms, not just TikTok.
  10. AMCHI - It doesn't matter anymore. The guy's tracks often get into popular ones on social networks, so the new song can be found in many videos.


TOP Tracks in Tik Tok for Recommendations 2021

Which track to use on Tik Tok to get into the recommendations:

  • Kiddie, Dina Mirnaya - Together
  • Demyan Zaiko - Shell
  • AKHA - How beautiful you are
  • NLO - Don't Be Sad

You will be wondering: how to add your own music to Tik Tok.


TOP novelties among tracks in Tik Tok 2021 June

What do Tiktokers listen to in early summer?

  1. Tim Belorusskikh - You'd better not know. This year, Tima was not the best period in his life, but the guy still releases songs. And this track is different from the previous ones - it has a lot of hidden meaning and depth.
  2. Cream Soda - MELANCHOLIA. Cream Soda is a young but popular group that specializes in electronic music. Other popular tracks - Crying to Techno and No more parties.
  3. Mary Gu - +1. Mary is a popular Instagram blogger, tiktoker and just a singer. The girl's songs are quite atmospheric and sensual.
  4. Asia - The cure for loneliness. The girl is engaged in music and writes lyrics, she also starred in the show "Songs".
  5. LVNX & Alina Selyakh - White Night (Remix). Popular songs are often remixed and processed at TikTok. This was also done with the song "White Night", which is often used in the video.
  6. ARCHI - So they want to break. Archie is a famous rapper who runs Instagram and the VKontakte group. So far, the guy is only gaining popularity, but much of his work is becoming a hit.


You will be wondering: how to add two sounds to Tik Tok..

TOP TikTok tracks that went viral all over the world

Some of the tracks were released back in 2020, but they continue to be listened to and used in Tik Tok. Here are the brightest ones:

  • Yung Gravy - oops!
  • Cardi B - Up
  • Kid Cudi - Day 'N' Nite
  • Big Homie Ty.Ni. - Jelly
  • Kali Uchis - telepatía
  • Mooski - Track Star

Each ringtone is on the social network, so you can add them to your videos to become more popular. Videos that are shot with trending songs are more often included in recommendations and gain views. So don't be afraid to try.

by (3.5m points)

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