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Hype House in Tik Tok ⭐ Latest news

in Bloggers Tik Tok by (552k points)
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When did the Russian Hype House appear?
Where is the Hype House Rus
How to get to the Hype House in Tik Tok
Members of the Hype House in Tik Tok
Facts about the Hype House in Tik Tok

Hype House is a Russian project that brings together popular TikTokers. This house appeared later than Dream Tim House, but it is also popular among TikTokers..

The official name is Hype House Rus, which is reminiscent of the American Hype House - the first such project in the world that appeared in the United States.

The account of this community of tiktokers is presented on different platforms: the official TikTok (@ thehypehouse.rus), on Instagram (@ thehypehouse.rus), on YouTube, on VKontakte. House also has its own website - liveliness.ru

When did the Russian Hype House appear?

The community appeared in March 2020 - after Danya Milokhin and his friend opened Dream Team..

Participants position their home as a "show without frames", show "blogging life from the inside." Tiktokers show their life without embellishment, tell how they create content, how they communicate with each other, about all conflicts and intrigues.

Where is the Hype House Rus

The house where the participants live is located in Moscow. However, the address is not circulated, because it is fraught with consequences - fans can come there, like haters. This can be unsafe for participants..

The main task set by the participants of Hype House Rus is content creation. In real time, they show how brainstorming and filming are going on, and then post the results in the form of clips.


How to get to the Hype House in Tik Tok

Managers are always looking for members. When selecting them, they take into account the originality of Tiktoker and the uniqueness of its content. Evaluate how unusual a person produces videos.

When potential participants in Hype House are selected, they tell the team about it. A discussion takes place, and already with their consent, they decide whether this person will be invited to the project.

If you want to become a member, promote the page, shoot interesting content to get into the recommendations. And if you are a really creative person with a large audience, then get an invitation to TikTok House.

Members of the Hype House in Tik Tok

Tiktoker guys who live in the Hype House project:

  • Julia Gavrilina @gavrilinaa 10.5 million,
  • Valya Carnival @ karna.val 13.7 million,
  • Katya Golysheva @katya_golyshevaa 5.6 million,
  • Zolotova Veronica @zolotova_vero 4.1 million,
  • Anya Ischuk @anyaischuk 5.1 million,
  • Pavel Dvoretsky @ dvoretsky11 2.7 million,
  • Herman Glasko @germanglas 2.7 million


But not only people are involved in the project, but also animals. The guys have a kitten in the house, which sometimes flashes on the video of the company. The guys are produced by Zair Yusupov.

Facts about the Hype House in Tik Tok

Interesting facts that are not known to all fans:

  1. The project also has former participants - Vova Goryainov, Sonya, Yegor Ship and his friend Amir. The bloggers said they left because they found another way. However, there are rumors on the network that they left the project due to conflicts with the producer - Zair Yusupov.
  2. In the summer, Anya Yashchuk also wanted to leave the house, but later she returned when a kitten appeared in the team.
  3. Tiktokers said that in November 2020, they went to the Maldives as a team.
  4. The house where Tiktokers still live costs more than 70 million rubles.
  5. During the project, the guys moved to other houses.


There are rumors that the Hype House is closing, but the message about this was back in the summer of 2020, but the guys are still releasing content and living together.

This house is a pretty successful project. During the period of existence, Olga Buzova and David Manukyan came to the bloggers, a little later Artur Pirozhkov (Alexander Revva) visited the team.

Participants are actively filming content now. Many guys are engaged in music in parallel: they release their songs, write lyrics for them and shoot videos.


As in any highs, Tiktokers periodically come and go, engage in their self-realization and creativity. In any case, even without house, you can achieve the same heights and successes ?

by (3.5m points)

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